Slenderman x goddess! reader

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3 person view
Y/n was walking in the forest like she always did. She was admiring the beauty of it. Sadly she could not touch a single living thing, for she is the queen of death. Anything she touched would die even people, any living thing, all but one thing she could create, which was a single black rose. She could create different kinds of roses. Her father is the god of death and her mother was the goddess of life. Sadly she is closer to her dad's magic side but she had her own personalitys. Deep down she was kind, caring, intelligent, and everything that is good just like her mother. And her sister was the happy and cheerful one. Thankfully she had her mother's magic and her personality. For she could create life and give life unlike Y/n. S/n (sister's name) was the daughter of the goddess of life and a simple mortal.   Y/n and S/n are half-sisters. S/n is the queen of life. Anywho back to the story. As Y/n was walking she could hear the beauty of the forest. She could hear the birds chirping, smell the fresh aroma, and see the majestic and beautiful life all around. As she was walking she felt as if she was being watched. She tried to find the being that was watching her but to no avail. She shrugged it off and continued the walk. She was on her way to her and her sister's castle. The feeling went away for a bit but came back, then she could sense where they were . They were hiding behind a big tree. She smirked and yelled, "Come out, come out where ever you are, I can sense where you are." As soon as she said that she turned her head toward wear the tree was. They came out of there hiding place and it was none other than the Mr. and Mrs. Slender a.k.a. Jason and Jessica. Y/n greeted them with a wave and said, "Hello again Mr. and Mrs. Slender, it has been quite a while hasn't it?" Mr. Slender/Jason replied, "Three days is not very long, Queen Y/n." "Feels like a eternity to me." They all smirked and Mrs. Slender/Jessica almost forgot to tell her about something. Jessica happily said, "We would like you to meet our sons'," they stepped aside to show her there sons'. Y/n was observing them.

Y/n's p.o.v.
As I was observing them I could tell that they were nervous at least all but one. He was wearing a formal suit with a red tie. Another was wearing a black leather trench coat with black heavy boots and a flora hat. The third one was wearing a yellowish-orange vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath. Last, but not least there was a man with a polka dot suit with a top hat. After I was done observing them I said and asked, "Hello fine gentlemen, my name is Queen Y/n but you shall call me Y/n. If you don't mind telling me what shall your names be?" The one with the polka dots on said in a cheerful tone, "Helloooo, my name is Splendorman but you can call me Slendy!!!" Grinny over there said, "The name's Offenderman but you can call me Offender." The one in the vest said, "Hello I am the one and only Trenderman but you can call me Trendey btw I love that dress it suits you so well."

The last one said in a formal tone, "My name is Slenderman but you shall call me Slender

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The last one said in a formal tone, "My name is Slenderman but you shall call me Slender." I raised an eyebrow and said, "Are you ordering me to call you that?" "Maybe I am and maybe I'm not, the real question is what is your reaction to it, what are you going to do?" I smirked and replied, "You have some nerve to disrespect me, one thing I hate the most is disrespect. So I would suggest you don't do it again or there will be consequences or worse... Punishment." They all 'looked' at me shocked but he just, you can tell, smirked. I said, "Now how about we go to me and my sister's castle to have dinner, shall we?" Mr. Slender and Mrs. Slender nodded there head and told there sons' to follow. As we were walking I came across a hurt wolf I knelt down looked at where to wound was. I almost touched it but stopped myself. I thought on how I could save it and then I finally realized that I have healing magic. I came close to the wound and closed my eyes to concentrate on the animal being healed.

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