Slender brothers x Toby's sister! reader part 1

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Hey P. G. here I'm going to tell u about ur self. U have all the same syndromes as Toby (Ticci Toby) plus more. Toby is ur brother. When you were 13 u was sent to a mental health hospital because they wanted to try to 'cure' u, when in reality they didn't want to cure u, they just wanted to get and absorb ur powers. And u was adopted into the family

Ur abilities consist of the following;
•teleportation (but u don't know it yet)
•can talk with animals
•if u look into their eyes u can see their past
•u can change ur clothing at anytime but u normally don't because it takes away ur energy and just do it the human way about only 49% is takin' away when u willingly do it, and ur clothing automatically changes to fit the situation at hand (ex. When ur in a serious fight) and when that happens it barely takes away ur energy about only 3% is takin' away
•has power over the weather and nature

Ur disabilities are the following;
•split personality (their supposably a female named Rose, but u don't know for a fact)
•C. I. P. A. (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain Anhidrosis)
•Bipolor Schizophrenia
Tourette Syndrome
•P. T. S. D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from mental hospital torture
•Amnesia from medication

Ur talents/hobbies consist of the following;
•drawing, painting, street art, and artsy stuff, etc.
•singing (doesn't stutter unless nervous or scared)
•dancing (in all styles)
•working on projects

Ur personality consist of the following;
shy (freezes when to many people are around, starts twitching uncontrollably)
•funny (makes puns, jokes, and funny harmless pranks)
•innocent kinda (doesn't know about the meaning of the word 'sex' just knows about mating)
•kind, mostly but they have to gain ur trust but gets mad when others bully others and ur family, mostly ur brother, and u could care less about them bullying u
•cusses a lot
•worries all the time
•zones out when troubled
•keeps to self
•shows emotions
•caring for others in need of help unless they deserve it (if they hurt a child)
•doesn't like teens
•HATES fangirls
•loves the idea of killing humans but to scared of doing it
loves alone time to think and be comfortable with ur self
•fashionable to a point

Roses personality consist of the following;
•protective over u
•likes the idea of murder and torturement
•sane but yet insane
•hates everyone including Toby but not as bad as others because he is family
•likes to keep to self
•secretly loves children
•loves the idea of actually having a loving, romantic partner but will never admit it
•very violent
hard to trust people

Ur first name (f/n) middle name (m/n) Rogers and what u go by (y/n). Hair color (h/c), skin color (s/c), if Rose is out darker shade hair (d/h/c) if black lighter shade, both stay the same eye color, left eye color (l/e/c) right eye color (r/e/c), when pissed/sad Rose comes out to beat the crap out of them. Now that we've got that done onto the story.

You was done with school and you had a project. It was a photographer project. You decided to go do marine animals and land animals to compare and contrast. You thought of where you could go and thought the forest was a great way to start. You went home and got to your room to see it was in pristine condition. You put your bag on your rolling chair and started to get out your books. You put them on your desk and organized them by your class periods from 1-7. You got out your folder and got all your homework out and quickly but carefully did it. By the time you were done it was already 4:59p.m. 'Maybe I should eat before I go' You walked to your kitchen and got a snack. You don't really eat much so over the years your stomach shrink. You grabbed a (choice of pop-tart), put it in the toaster (opinional), and ate it. You grabbed your pro camera and packed a few things: a flashlight, your drawings and pencils, some crackers for some of the animals, and your book of flowers, leaves and etc. You locked your front door and went out the back sliding door. You locked the back door once out and you put on your sarcastic hoodie, that says 'Me? sarcastic? Never.', over your (choice of shirt) and covered your butt up well tried you got frustrated and said "Forget about it...😒" And went on into the forest.

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