Zayn Malik

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Lilly's pov-2 years before she met one direction-walking to school

"I cant believe I had to drag you out of bed."Micheal said.

Yea I know,but I love when you drag me out of bed.

"Your a weird girl sis."Micheal said 

Thanks bro.

"Hey how much time do we have before we head to school?" I asked 

"like 10 minutes,why you ask?"Micheal asked 

So maybe we can grab a coffee before we head to school..

"ok but I am not paying this time."Micheal said

Ok,I will pay so lets get going now.

"ok miss pushy pants."Micheal said

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Starbucks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We walk into starbucks and I saw five cute boys next to the window just catting.When I walked up to the counter a boy With Jet black hair looked at me with a smile on his face.Wow that boy was hot..

"don't even think about it sis he looks out of your lead."Micheal said

Ok I won't.

"so what do you want ma'am?"Starbucks worker....

A small latte please and my brother would like a caramel hot chocolate please...

"Ok coming up miss."starbucks worker said.

"lilly go find us a seat."Micheal said

Ok I will ....

I headed off to go get a seat when I ran into someone...

"sorry love.I didn't watch where I was going."

Its ok.

When I looked up it was the boy I saw by the window,he was really cute.

"Zayn what about you love?"Zayn asked

Lilly my names lilly.

"wow your beautiful love."Zayn said 


"i should give you my number you seem like a girl I would hang out with."

Thanks zayn I would love to hang out with you someday.

"here you go love 1(***)***~****."Zayn said.

Thanks here you go zayn1(***)***~****

"Are you ready to go sis."

Sure ;lets go .I walked out of the coffee shop with the biggest smile on my face.I couldn;t wait intill zayn called me.........


Zayn's pov-

the lads and I were done with our third album and since it took three hours to finish we decide to head to go get something to drink.

"where do you want to go zayn?"Harry asked

We can go to starbucks if you want.

"that sounds like a god idea."Liam said

"i'm going to die if I don't have nothing to eat."Niall said

Ok lets go the or niall is going to die if he doesn't have anything to eat.

~~At starbucks

We walked into starbucks after a long car ride because louis would not stop singing What Makes You Beautiful.The worst part of it is I was sitting next to him.It not like I love the song what makes you beautiful.,its just I don't have a girl that is beautiful like Harry and Liam does.Which Liam and Harry are both Married to lovely girls and they make them happy as ever..

My only love-Zayn malik/Liam payne fanflictWhere stories live. Discover now