Zayn finds out

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I was on the couch watching thor when I heard a car door.Then as soon as I heard that I heard laughter.I was listening when I notice it was liam and he was with a girl.She was making fun of him because he was afraid of spoons then he said"at lease I'm not afraid of the dark."Liam said

Then I heard the girl say:

(Liam at lease mines a common fear,your just makes no since and its the weirds thing i have ever heard.)

"Lilly quite making fun of me,or i'll take you home."Liam said

(sorry babe.i was just saying what was mine opinion.)Lilly said

"I know and your cute when you do,I love you so much cutie."Liam said

When I heard liam said lilly's name I started to cry.

The door sunddenly opended and I saw liam and Lilly holding hands and Lilly looked at me with a sorry face.

I just looked at her and walked off crying.

Liam knew I liked her.And now seeing lily holding liam's hands was even worse.I couldn't talk to him or her right now so i went to my room and slambed the door.and went to my bed and put my hands over my faces and knees.The I started to cry even harder.I just aw the girl I love holding my mates hand and she knew I loved her.

The door flue open

"zayn I should of told you Liam and I were together."Lilly said 

You should of lilly ,you know how hard it was to see you with liam.and I thought you told me you loved me but I guess not.

"sorry zayn,i really am can we at lease be friends?"Lilly asked

I don't know lilly.It going to be hard seeing you and liam together.

"can you at lease try for me Zayn?"Lilly asked

I'll try but can you leave.I want to be alone right now.

"ok I will, love you zayn remember that."Lilly said

(That's what I said to her but I guess she doesn't love me.This was going to be hard ,I loved her I really do.I want lilly I cried.Lilly please be mine,but that wasn't going to happen................

My only love-Zayn malik/Liam payne fanflictWhere stories live. Discover now