The Fight over Lilly

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I woke up in Liam's arms and he was humming a song.

What you humming Baby?

"A song I was working on."Liam said 

Liam can I ask you a question?

"sure flower what's on your mind?"Liam asked 

What do you love about me the most?

"I love everything about you.Ever since I"ve known you last month.The way your hair goes down to your waste.The way your blue eyes light up everytime I sing to you.The way you purple glasses make you look smart.Lilly everything about you is amazing and I know I am the luckiest girl alive!"Liam said 

Liam babe you know you said you were the luckiest girl alive.

"I mean the luckiest guy alive."Liam said 

Your cute babe

"thanks I get it from you."Liam said 

( I giggled at that he makes me so happy)

"So what do you want to do today flower?"Liam asked 

Nothing really 

"OK if you get hungry i'll be in the kitchen."Liam said

Ok liam

(Soon liam got out of bed.He walked out the door to go to the kitchen to go get something to eat.WHile I sat here where their use to be a warm space where liam was sitting .While I just sat here doing whatever.)

(Jade went back home yesterday and Harry misses her like crazy.)

I heard yelling from outside and it sounded like it was liam and zayn.So I decide to see what it was.Of course I looked like crap,my hair was brushed but it was up in a pony tail.I was wearing a floral shirt and some blue shorts and i had my glasses on.When I got their Zayn and Liam were punching each other.

What the Hell guys?

"Baby stay out of this."Liam said

I'm not going to stay out of this because my boyfriend and friend are fighting and why?

"over you Princess."Zayn said 

When he said that he never called me princess and also it hit me Zayn still loves me.>>.

My only love-Zayn malik/Liam payne fanflictWhere stories live. Discover now