2 years before i met you...

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Lilly pov-

"what you thinking about love?"Harry asked

well nothing just thinking about when the time I first met you guys.

"aww that's sweet lilly."Liam said

"ya it was a good time when we meet you,you were a pretty girl to meet."Zayn said.

Thanks Zayn.

"I just can't believe its been two years since we met you."Niall said

"yea it is been that long,it will be 2 years since we met you today on April 19,2013."Louis said.

"hey lilly flower why won't you tell us the story again on how we met you?"Harry asked

Sure Harry I love telling the story.

2 years before lilly Rose Met One Direction~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Beep) (Beep) (Beep)

Why do I have to wake up at this godly hour.

"time to get up sweet heart.You got to get up for school and become smarter."

"Time to get up baby."

MOM,DAD please five more minutes..

"No,Lilly you know you need to get ready for school."

But mom,I don't want to go to school.

"Lilly May Rosa get out of bed before I get you brother to come and drag you out of bed."

I dare you daddy!!!

"Ok you have a chance,Micheal I need you."

My brother is a simple person he is on the basketball team and he has all the girls falling for him.My brother reminds me of niall Horan. He has blond hair and blue eyes like niall,but he is maybe taller than niall is.My brother is 5'9.And for me I'm only 5'3,my brother seems like a giant to me.

"Get up may or i'll drag you out of bed."Micheal Rosa said

I dare you Micheal Ashton Rosa!I said 

"ok may "Micheal said 


BAck to now~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i started to laugh about the memory when my brother dragged me out of bed.

"I can't believe the day you met us your brother drag you out of bed."Harry said

Well its true.

"Louis I think that would be something you would do.?"Liam Asked

"I think your right about that payno."Louis said.

"ok so can we get back to the story on how we met lilly two years ago?"Zayn asked

Sure lets get back to the story........

My only love-Zayn malik/Liam payne fanflictWhere stories live. Discover now