meeting her

21 0 5

his POV:

I stared blankly as the letter rose into the air and burst into flame.
this didn't even make sense, I mean you are supposed to be granted a power, not given a curse. I doubted it would work but i tried a few simple thing that might start time- clapping my hands and clicking my fingers. Of course it didn't work, what did I expect? 

If it were that easy it would be ridiculous.

I just sat there for a minute trying to work out what to do.

That letter was completely useless. It might have well had just said:

"time stopped and you don't know how to re-start it,
 good luck not dying before you solve it". 

there must be somewhere I could get more information, this must have happened before and someone must have lived through it...

Oh yeah, the library. Why did it take me so long to think of that.
 I should probably leave immediately, I wanted to try and get this over with as soon as possible. heading back to my room, I grabbed a jacket and pulled it on, and wrapped a scarf around me.
the Library was not that close unfortunately but if i rode my bike then i could probably be there in 20 minutes.

I stepped outside into the freezing cold.
I didn't expect it to be so cold but at least it was a clear night.

We lived on the 4th floor in a block of flats so my bike was leaning against the small balcony outside the living room. I took hold of it by the handlebars and lead it out to the front door.
Although I wasn't entirely sure, i presumed the lifts weren't going to be working. Instead, I held the bike firmly and wheeled it down the stairway.

It seemed to take ages leading my bike down there but soon I was at the ground floor and I walked out of the building, mounted my bike and set off.

Even though it was not going to make much of a difference, I felt myself rushing and repeatedly pedalling faster. I guess I was a bit panicked, I mean, who wouldn't be?

About 15 minutes later (I had been going so fast it had taken me less time then usual) i pulled up outside the library. 

I rarely came here so I wasn't sure whether there would even be any book about this.
I noticed another bike lying down near mine- has it been abandoned perhaps. The library  closes at 6pm I think so maybe someone forgot it when they left earlier on today.

Completely lost in my thoughts, I wandered towards the entrance of the library. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings since i was busy figuring out how to get in so no wonder my heart skipped a beat when someone walked straight into me.


I nearly jumped out of my skin. I hadn't been paying the slightest attention to my surroundings: I was too busy figuring out what to do next.
I stepped back and saw a boy around my age stood there staring at me with the same bewildered expression i was probably wearing.
It was a few second before i managed to choke out a few words.

"H-how, what? You're moving?!"

Was this one of the people who had the same thing happen to them?

Had he, too, received a letter telling him the same it told me?

Finally he responded.

"um, yeah. how come you are moving? did you get the same thing as me? You have been inside the library already did you find out anything? is anyone else moving? who are you?

It seemed he was just as confused as me.


sorry it took me a while to update. hopefully i will update a bit more frequently soon!
thankyou if you are reading this and i hope you are enjoying it!!
please leave any feedback in the comment section as this is my first proper story.

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