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(A/N: Just a quick reminder that I re-wrote a lot of Chapter Two, so if you havn't read the updated version, go read that first! The date right now is Sunday, June Eighth just so you don't get confused on when I'm saying this. Thanks. Enjoy Chapter three!) ~Writingslayer

I thought that there was a small chance that Aaron was different. Maybe he had a specific reason he left our second 'date' early, but it seemed he really didn't want to share it with me. The second I started talking about my dad again, Aaron transformed into this mysterious man that slipped out of my sight in a matter of seconds. 

I tried not to care, though. I only knew him as far as how his ex is a jerk and how he doesn't really know why he moved to the town. No more; no less.

As I walk home from the small restaurant (since my ride left me ever so rudely,) I fiddle with my bracelet to kill time. {It was a bracelet from my older brother Zeke. The brother that was kindly lending me the guest bedroom while the police sorted out the whole 'apartment' situation. He gave it to me for my 14th birthday, and I hadn't taken it off since.} It keeps me busy, but it turns into a really bad mistake when I trip on a crack in the sidewalk, my eyes occupied by the blue piece of jewelry around my wrist.

I make an awkward sound, sort of like an oomph but kind of like an ow! at the same time, as I throw my arms out to brace for impact.

But of course, just like in those horrid romantic movies, the date swoops in at the last second and catches the girl before she hits the ground, foreshadowing that 'he'll always have her back even if she falls'. . . 

"Aaron?" I gasp as he helps me regain my balance. 
"I don't get a 'thank you'?" he asks.
I am grateful for his catch, but I just pinch up my face and shake my head. "It wouldn't be happening if you hadn't ditched me back at Bleu." (which was the name of the restaurant we went to.)
Aaron looks at me and then his face gets serious. He pulls his hand up and rubs the back of his neck, nervous or frustrated or. . . I can't tell. "About that..." he trails off, "It was for a good reason. I promise."
I squint at him, urging him on to tell me.
Aaron looks at the ground, shoves his hand in his pocket and looks back up. "I mean, I need to tell you what it is. But I'm really not supposed to." he stops mid sentence and I notice his eyes flit to an area behind me and then back at me. He seems to get more jittery and uncomfortable. "I really. . . Um, I like you Grace, but,"

I can guess where he is going with this but I let him talk.

Aaron lets out a long, stressful sigh, glancing behind me once again. "Okay. Fine." he'd given up. "It's about your dad."

I am thrown off my train of thought. My dad? Aaron had lost his mind.

"He owes this guy some money,your father," his words are slurring together and he is getting louder with his tone, but softer with his volume, "and the guy he owes needs the money, and it's really confusing, and I shouldn't be telling you this,"

I am back-stepping away from him. Is he on drugs? He looks normal, but why is he talking about my father owing some man money? It could've been about my dad getting involved in drug dealing and buying, but why does Aaron know about all this?

"But anyway, I've been asked to do something and we need you. But I don't need your help for something; the man that needs the money, and is known as the king of drug dealing, just needs you, but I don't-"

I stop him short, "God, Aaron! Are you alright? Slow down," I am beyond baffled by all of this.

Aaron lets out yet another sigh and looks at me, sorrow painted across his whole face. "I'm sorry."

Those were the last words I hear before all I see is blackness. Before my hands are tied behind me. Before I realize Aaron was glancing over my shoulder at a second person sneaking up on me to snatch me up, throw me over his shoulder, and then toss me into the back of a car.

I try to scream but my throat is too dry and tight to even produce a squeak. I can't even process my thoughts anymore. All I can think of was 'I'm so dead, and it's all my dad's fault.'

The man must've used a zip-tie around my wrists and ankles because I can't even get them to slip an inch. He had yanked them so tight that my circulation is being cut off. 

Let me go! I want to say through the black cloth over my head. My brother will call the police! He'll have you both arrested! I strain to yell. But all that I can do is cringe every time I roll into the back of the seats in front of me.

Everything seems so real, yet like I was dreaming. I am alive and awake with adrenaline, but it is like a stupid nightmare because I can't yell or get up and run or have the strength to break the ties around me. 

I thought Aaron was different. And he is. He's not some teenage boy that would ditch you on a date for another girl that's sexier than you. . . No. He's a teenage boy that would ditch you on a date to get a friend that will help kidnap you. Why didn't I stay home with Zeke and watch him play his stupid video games while he tossed his knotted hair out of his eyes and hunched his shoulders and tried to fit his extremely tall legs on the couch? I don't know.


Mission accomplished. I can scream now. But that only gets me a strip of duct tape slapped over my big mouth. Dammit. Mission failed.

But that doesn't stop me from struggling to free my wrists until I can feel blood staining the back of my shirt. With aching wrists and a cold pit in my heart, I try not to cry as the muffled whispers haunted me from the front seats of the humid car. I don't give up. I just don't know what else to do. I try to think of what Zeke would do, but nothing comes to my mind but the thought of reality. 

I really can't believe it. Just earlier, I was sitting at a table with a different side of Aaron, 'getting to know him better' as we sipped at water and laughed at stupid jokes. But now, here I am, in the back of some van being driven by an unknown person, choking down tears and fears, tied up and bloody from tugging the ties, being kidnapped.

I am being kidnapped. And I can do absolutely nothing about it.

(A/N: I'm not a very active writer on Wattpad, but I write a lot on google drive. . . I'm sorry I don't interact with you guys as much as I'd wish to. Summer is a couple days away for me, so I'll be more active very soon! Anyway, thanks for all these reads with just three chapters up! I'm amazed! Thank you guys so much and keep up the votes and amazing comments! ily so much, and I'll update as soon as I can! Let me know what you think of Chapter Three! xD) ~Writingslayer

(p.s. Try to pardon my grammar and spelling mistakes. . . This is unedited, but I did my best to read it over and fix the small mistakes I found. :) Thanks!) XOXO <3

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