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"Since I let you ask me about why I was in this business, can I ask you something?" Aaron says, trying to steady himself as the car runs over a pothole. 

I nod.

"You said your parents weren't ideal. . . But yet you keep bringing up your mother and I'm inferring that you two are, er were, close."

I think about it for a moment, "I'll give you an answer if. . ." I try to think of an ultimatum that would help my case. "If you listen to something I have to tell you about after this."

Aaron gives a hesitant nod. So I speak up. "My mom almost followed the path of my dad, and actually did get involved in alcohol and things like that. But something changed in her heart, I guess, after I moved in with my brother. She realized she messed up. So she just changed her ways and asked us to accept her apology."

I'm whispering everything, since it'd be weird to have the driver hear all of this, and Dylan seems to be dozing on the right side of me.

"Okay then. So, what do you have to tell me about?" Aaron asks, too loudly.

I pinch his arm and mouth the words "Be quiet" before leaning over to him.

"I can tell your scared. Just as much as me. You need to realize that you are in way over your head in deep waters that are impossible to swim through. You -" I am off to a quick start, but Aaron doesn't seem to like where I'm going with it.  

"Um, what are you talking about?" he asks.

"Just -" I look around, trying to think of what to do to get him to listen to me.

"Um," I speak up, leaning forward towards the driver. "I have to pee." I say, pushing my lips into a line. "Like, badly."

"Hold it in." the man snaps back, his focus glued to the road. 

"No, I mean, unless you want me to pee in your nice car all over your leather seats, then -" he cuts me off by slowing down and pulling to the side of the road. 

"Make it quick. You," he nods towards Aaron. "Go with her. Don't let her do anything stupid."

Aaron obeys, opening the door and I follow after him. We make our way down into the woods a little ways, away from the car, and then I face Aaron. "Like I was saying in the car." I pause, looking him in the eye and putting my hand firmly on his shoulder. "Look me in the eye and make me believe that you're not scared."

Aaron sighs roughly, seeming jittery and unfocused. I shake him gently. "Aaron! Look at me! Tell me you're not as terrified as me!" I try to be firm, but not firm enough to scare him into thinking I'm just trying to escape.

"You're not scared! You're more chill than I've been this whole trip! You seem like you've done this a thousand times. You just look homesick."

"That's bullshit." I say back, clenching my jaw. "I need you to turn your attention to me right now. Look at me and tell me what you see."

Tears burn my nose, thinking of everything that's happened, and I don't even have to force the emotion to get him to see it. When he looks up at me, we stare at each other and don't realize we're standing alone in the woods. It's just me and him, face to face. His eyes pierce mine, but in a good way, and I get a feeling that I hate at the same time that I love. It's like a flutter in my stomach. I feel lighter. Like air.

"Fear," he mumbles, his eyes locking deeply onto mine even more than before. He then blinks away the moment like it didn't happen, and looks away. "Fear." he says louder. "You're scared."

"Are you?" I ask him innocently.

Before he can answer, we hear the man call down to us from the car. "Hurry it up down there! I don't have all day!"

Before we trot back up the small hill, Aaron looks back at me and nods. "I'm in a living nightmare and it won't end. So yes. I dread every second."

The words bring me relief, but I know I have to convince him quickly in the time we get up the hill. But little do I know, he's way ahead of me. 

"I know what you meant earlier. And I'll help you. But you need the gun from Dylan, so try to slip it from his belt when we get back." Aaron whispers to me as we walk.

"What!? How!?" I ask, somewhat surprised. Everything seems to be happening too fast.

"I don't know! Flirt with him or something!" Aaron suggests.

We're at the car by the time he finishes his sentence, and I'm suddenly nervous about the whole thing. Maybe it was a mistake; convincing him to help me. But he's scared. And so am I. We can only get through this with each other's help, of course.

                                               *        *        *

I start off by trying to do the little eye-flirt like I see in the movies, but it doesn't work. So I end up just reaching behind him and pulling the revolver from Dylan's belt, hoping he doesn't notice. He does.

"What, wait, did you just -" he stutters, surprised.

I ignore him, pulling it behind my back and leaning over to Aaron. "I got it. Now, follow my lead. Dylan doesn't know what's going on, but I need you to brace yourself."

Without another word, I swiftly unbuckle, lean forward, cock the little gun, and push it harshly against the driver's temple. "Stop driving." I almost growl it.

I see his whole body tense as Dylan speaks up from behind me. "HEY!" Dylan yells. "SIT DOWN!" 

But I don't have time to sit back down. The driver is already reaching for his radio to call up some of his "backup." I have to do something, so I pull myself further up and manage to slide into the passenger seat.

"Don't think I won't shoot you." I say, pointing the gun steadily at his head. Yet his hand grabs the radio, anyway, and pulls it back towards his mouth. So I don't hesitate to pull the trigger.

Shutting my eyes, I end up pointing the barrel a little to the right, and once the ringing in my ears has stopped, I hear screaming. From everyone in the car. 

The driver has no hands on the wheel, and he's yelling loudly, gripping his right hand which is dripping with blood. I must've hit the radio and the bullet went straight through it, into his right hand. Aaron is yelling because the car is swerving all over the dirt road, and I'm guessing Dylan is just screaming just because everyone else is.

"You son of a -" I can't process anything else before the driver lunges sideways at me, frightened and infuriated.

I try to dodge his left hand (the non-wounded one), but end up running my back into the door behind me. There's nowhere to go so I have to withstand his stinging punch to my cheek. I can feel his ring break my skin, and it burns when his fist comes in contact with my face. My whole brain goes foggy for a second, and then starts throbbing. Even though I'm now bleeding, I make a quick recovery, still surprised on how long the car has lasted without anyone driving it.

I've spoken too soon. I think, all of our focus turning to the road as the car veers sharply to on side, lurching all of our bodies one way. As soon as I am face to face with an approaching ditch, I cuss under my breathe, remembering I'm not wearing a seat belt.

Things happen too fast, and I can't even flinch before black dots float into my field of vision, and I find it impossible to stay awake. So I let sleep slip over me. Or is it unconsciousness. . . .?

 V V V *{{{{{  PLEASE READ  }}}}}* V V V 

(A/N:  Okay, let me start off by saying sorry. I can't even stress how sorry I am for not uploading. It's been a while, but I have a year-round schedule for school and I started this past Monday. The school day ends at, like, 4:20 and it's a long way away from my house, so I usually end up getting home at around five. Then I have HW and I have to go for my run and eat dinner and ugh it's just a busy schedule. 

  I've been trying my best to keep everything up and do well, but it's difficult. So just bare with me as I get used to my new schedule. I guess you can expect me to update on the weekends more than the weekdays, now. But I just wanted to inform you about it..... So yeah. That's about it. I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek! :) Bye! XOXO) ~writingslayer

Aaron. [Aaron Paul]Where stories live. Discover now