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One Week Later. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It wasn't until both me and Aaron were checked into a hospital that we were told that the ship had docked in Barnstaple Devon (England.) It was quite a shocker for me, since I'd never been anywhere out of America, but I guess I was alright since most of the doctors spoke English.

After scans and X-rays, I was given an actual list of every injury I'd gotten. It ranged from fractured shoulder blade (from the gun shot wound) all the way to second degree burns caused by the fire in the car wreck. Aaron got a broken wrist and a non-serious concussion. But both of us were scraped and bruised head-to-toe.

It was eight days since the crash, and it was when everyone started to question our situation. How had we gotten all the way from America without passports? Without shots? How had we ended up in such a bad situation? Why did I have a gun-shot wound? Every single day, they tried to dig deeper. But we only let them in to an extent.

Both me and Aaron were walking slowly but surely down to the patients lunch room when I brought up the topic that had been irking me the entire time.

"What about Xander? What if he finds out where we are and comes after us?" I ask him, trying to keep a low voice.

We turn down onto another hall when Aaron shrugs. "I guess to make sure we're completely safe that we have to tell them the entire truth. That you're family thinks you're dead, that I was in the business because my mother is dying, and that Xander is serious about it. The only way I can protect you -" he pauses, realizing what he said, "us." he corrects himself. "Is if the police are involved. I'll just have to face the consequences."

Even though he sounds confident, I detect a quiver in his voice. I know he doesn't want to basically turn himself in, but Xander is a threat at this point. We don't know how much more dangerous this all can get. We don't even know how many people are involved.

I feel like I need to say something back to him to hide the silence, like, to be polite or something. But Nothing comes to mind. Aaron hasn't brought up the kiss since it happened, so I know I shouldn't talk about that. And I know he doesn't want to speak of Dylan, and neither do I, so I just drop the whole thing and let the silence settle in as we walk into the small lunchroom.

After we get our food and eat, I ask him when he wants to tell the doctors and nurses about everything and not just the little white lies we've been using to cover up. 

"Today." he answers. "If not, I'll talk myself out of it tonight. Better sooner than later."

 I agree and try to think of what everyone's reaction will be. I just hope they don't freak out and get scared of us or anything like that. I can only wish that everything goes smoothly.

After lunch, we walk back to our assigned rooms. Before we depart from each other, Aaron squeezes my arms in a reassuring way. "Don't lie. It'll make it worse for both of us." he warns. And with that, he turns around, using the cane the hospital gave him to walk away.

I get nervous as soon as I sit down in my bed and settle in. I'm rehearsing what I'll say over and over in my head, anticipating someone to walk in and start interrogating me harshly for some reason. Line after line, I tweak it to make it sound as true as possible. 

I have an outline of what I plan to say right before my nurse walks in. She smiles at me, and does her regular procedure of checking my heart rate and changing my bandages and things like that. 

She's walking out when I call her to come back.

"Um, I think I'm ready to, uh," I didn't think of how to ask her to confess everything with Aaron.

Th lady just humbly nods with a soft smile, seeming almost proud of me to gather up the courage.

"I'll bring officer Brady in here in a moment." she says, exiting the room.

I breathe a sigh of relief, and then shut my eyes until my door opens again. And in walks Officer Brady, clip-board in hand. I scooch myself upright against my pillow, and try to smile. But I can't find the happiness to do it, so I settle for pushing my lips into a line.

"You're Grace, right?" he asks nicely, sitting himself down on a wooden stool at the foot of the bed.

"Yes, sir." I say, sounding emotionless.

"Alright! Nurse Miranda informed me that you expressed that you were ready to tell us where you came from? How you got here?" he clarifies.

I nod.

"Well, whenever your ready. Start from as far back as you can remember. And take your time." he smiles at me.

I shut my eyes, trying hard to remember everything. I decide to start with the fire incident at the apartments. Then go on to how Aaron asked me out for coffee, but skipped the part about his ex. Moving on to when he ditched me at the restaurant, and swooped in to catch me acting suspicious. 
  I talked about how Aaron was babbling all about my father (who divorced my mother five years ago) owing this man named Xander drug money. Then I told him about this guy named Dylan who helped Aaron kidnap me.

Through the story, the Officer would raise his eyebrows, surprised, and ask questions to show that he was listening intently. Whenever I told him a name or an important event, he'd scribble it down in his little notepad. 

I almost didn't want to tell him about Dylan. Since he was. . . gone. My heart was punishing me by bringing tears to my eyes every time I mentioned him (yet, the worse part was, I never realized how innocent and kind he was until the tragedy of the car accident happened.)

Despite it, though, I pushed on. Explaining the jet and getting the knife, and all about Darren and how he beat up Aaron (After I talked about holding him hostage to escape.)

After Officer Brady knew about the part where I tried to escape and got shot, I explained all about Aaron's situation with why he agreed to kidnap me. How he needed the money. I told about the car ride and how I convinced Aaron to help me, and then I shot the man's hand and he punched me and then the car swerved off the road and -

I had to slow down. If I kept shooting my mouth at a mile a minute, I would tell everything wrong. There was too much that happened. Pace yourself, Grace. I tell myself, taking a deep breath.

"Aaron saved Dylan from the wreck, but by then, he was already gone. So he moved around and managed to get me out just in time." I skipped the part about the kiss. "And that's when the fire department came down the road."

Once I'm done, I'm done. I can't say anything more or anything less. It's Aaron's turn. And the whole time Officer Brady is in the room next door with Aaron, I can't stop but worry about if he's lying. Or being arrested. Or just not talking at all.

*        *        *

After half an hour, I can't stand it anymore. The suspense is literally tearing me open, killing me slowly.

I look around, and then get out of bed and pull my shoes on. I shuffle towards the door, heading to Aaron's room when the door opens suddenly before I can touch it. I jump back, surprised, but am greeted with Aaron fully dressed in clean clothes, leaning on his cane. 

He smirks when he sees me, and then nods. 

"They're letting us go home. We're going home." his voice is exploding with joy that he's almost in tears.

I gasp, surprised and happier than ever. He extends his free arm out for me and embraces me in a much needed hug. I can't believe it. We're really going home now. Back to Zeke, and my mother. And safety.

Aaron. [Aaron Paul]Where stories live. Discover now