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Yoongi's Pov:

"Well, I just opened up my flower shop just a few days ago. My full name in Min Yongi.." I trailed off and blushed slight seeing how intrigued Jimin looked at me. I slowly continued to tell him about myself and he told me about himself. It didn't seem to be real. How we both connected over tiny things. Learning what seemed to be the tiniest details about each other. He was so kind and he seemed like such a sweet man.

Soon our food arrived and we began to eat, while talking and telling stores. Time flew faster then I expected. I looked at my phone realizing that I should head home before it's too late. Jimin offered to drop me off, which I kindly accepted. Silence fell on us while we made our way to my apartment.

"Thank you for the food, it was good to go out with someone other then Jin." I laughed slightly as he looked over at me, His hair falling over his forehead. We both smiled as I came to a stop in front of my building.

"Have a good night Yoongi," He gently picked my hand up placing a kiss on it before turning on his heel and leaving.


After last night, I had ended up posting help wanted ads around for my shop. Today I didn't have to open till afternoon due to some interviews I scheduled.

A sigh left my lips as I  made my way down the quiet street. My hands pushed into my over-sized blue sweater. My phone began to ring taking me out of my thoughts.

*Jin is calling*

I pressed the green phone, pulling it to my ear.

"Ash~ why do you always call so early?" I herd rumbling in the other side of the line before Jin spoke.

"Ah I'm sorry Yoongs, I wanted to call and apologize about the other night." I laughed and shook my head as if he could see me.

"Jin it's okay. We all got drunk that night. It isn't your fault." I hummed slightly, as my eyes landed on my shop. A familiar blond headed male stood outside. His head leaning back against the bricks. He was so breathe taking.

I didn't realize I zoned out on Jin. I apologized before saying a quick goodbye, and shoving my phone into my hoodie.

"Hello..." I smiled as Jimin rolled his head in my direction. Realizing it was me he stood up fully, his hand in his head.

"Uh.. Hey.." I laughed, my eyebrows scrunching together. I took a step closer, obviously surprising him as his face turned even more red then before. I looked into his eyes. Hangover...

"Did you get drunk last night?" I stepped back, realizing I was a little to close. He scratched the nape of his neck nodding in response. "Come on. I'll help you." I grabbed my keys, opening the shop door.

* * * *

"Stop moving!" I laughed as I grabbed onto his shoulders. He tried swatting my hands away but he failed. He groaned as I place a wet rag in his forehead. "This will get rid of the heat you feel in our face." We sat in the back restroom of the building. I had already interviewed a few people by the time I got to Jimin, so they sat in the front in case anyone came in.

"Thank you.." I looked up into his eyes and smiled softly.

"No need.. But I wanted to treat you to some food? To thank you for being nice and to help with your hangover." Jimin laughed a little and nodded.

"I was actually gonna ask the same.." I felt the uninvited heat raise to my cheeks and I looked away, my hands fiddling with my apron. I coughed a little and grabbed the pain killers and the bottled water that was next to me. I gently shoved it into his chest and stood up from the bucket I was sitting on.

"Here..I'll wait for you out here.." I dusted myself off as I made my way back to the front of the shop, shaking my head from the thoughts that flew through my head. A couple of people were browsing around the flowers when I came out. I watched as one man.. with dark silk hair tan his fingers along the baby blue eye flowers I hung up by the window.

"Hello.." I peered in-front of him and smiled. "They are beautiful aren't they?" I looked at the taller male as he nodded.

"Very. I've always loved them." My smile only grew knowing another shared the same love as myself.

"How much are they?" I shook my head quickly, stoping his hands as he was about to pull his wallet out.

"I'm sorry they aren't for sale." He nodded before we both looked down. My hands sat on-top if his next to his belt. I blushed and before I could retract my hands, someone grabbed them and pulled me away. Jimin gently grabbed my keys locking up the shop for me.

Soon, I watched as Jimin was gently pulling me behind him, down the street. Our hands were clasped together. His skin was so soft. I pushed my heels into the concrete, causing him to look back and come to a halt.

"Oh I'm so-" I cut him off and pulled my hands away crossing them across my chest.

"How could you drag me away before asking what I wanted to eat?" I laughed and began to walk again leaving Jimin behind me flustered.

* * * *

We were both enjoying our meals at the local cafe. I ordered some cake, while Jimin ordered a breakfast sandwich. Two teas sat in front of us.

"I wanted to take you out for food because I wanted to th-" I was cut off as a male cane up to us.

"CEO," he politely bowed and clasped his hands in front of him. I glanced in between the two. Jimin's face ran pale as he stared at the man in front of him. "I didn't expect to see you at a place like this. You usually go to the fancy places.."

"Jungkook," Jimin slightly bowed his head before glancing at me. He seemed upset, and scared. He sent a death like glare towards the male.

"I see you have company. Another one?" A small smirk pulled into his lips as he stared at me. His deep eyes digging into my own. He seemed intimidating. "Ah~ you do work your magic in these ways though. Rough 'em up and pry. Then bam. You got them. Right?" I looked back at Jimin. His jaw clenched.

Third person POV:

Jungkook knew what he was doing. He knew his boss would get aggravated and would break. His smirk and the intense stare on Yoongi was only for show. He felt that the male didn't deserve to be treated so poorly by the CEO.

Yoongi was obviously confused. Looking between Jungkook and Jimin. He also noticed how Jimin's jaw clenched and his hands fisted the white fabric that was in the table.

"Jimin.." Yoongi tried to call out but Jimin paid no attention. His glare was fixed in Jungkook. He knew better than anyone what Jungkook was doing.

"Ah~ I hope he doesn't hurt you bad. He can be a little rough. And rude." Jungkook patted Yoongi's shoulder. Jimin hit the table harshly and stood up, facing Jungkook. Look bowed his head slightly before excusing himself and leaving.

"Yoongi..I'm really sorry about him.." Yoongi laughed awkwardly as he rubbed his arm. It seemed like all the connecting never happen. Why was that man saying those things?

To be continued...

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