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I slowly made my way up to the brick building looking at the front door. It was held wide, and the familiar voice was herd. Jimin's voice.

I peaked my head over a little, seeing as Jimin toward over another male. His face had a scowl, his jaw clenched and his eyes seemed to pierce right through the other males eyes.

"You had one thing to do, why couldn't you do it? This deal was huge. Not just huge bur important." His tone was low but his voice seemed to echo. I flinched back, accidentally hitting some paint cans making them tip over. Both heads snapped in my direction. I quickly ducked away and jogged. I mentally prayed that Jimin didn't see me.

My hands became sweaty, I began rubbing them together as I continued to walk away from the scene I just saw. I herd them..The heavy footsteps that followed me. I knew it was him.

"Yoongi.." I ignored his calls. They became more persistent and soon a hand grabbed my wrist pulling me back. I was faced with his pale skin. His brown eyes seemed to dull when they landed on me. I stepped back, slightly scared. "Yoongi.." Our eyes were connected. Neither of us looked away from each other.

"W-what do you want Jimin.." I didn't feel like seeing him now. I didn't want to deal with him. Seeing the look on his face almost frightened me. Maybe not saftey wise, but in a intimidating way.

"Why are you out so late.."I was taken back. I scoffed and stepped further away from the male in front of me. This kid. I shook my head and began to turn around before hand hands grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around and pulling me as he walked.

"Jimin.." I grumbled, trying to pull my hand from his but failed. Jimin pulled me over to the side of a building, under a big dark colored cover. "Yah, Whats your problem?" I slightly yelled, finally getting my hand free.

"Why are you out so late?" Again with the same question. My eyebrows pushed together as I scanned him from top to bottom. Unbelievable.

"Thats what you ask me.. Twice..after me avoiding you? After finding me practically spying on you ask me what I'm doing out so late?" I let out a sarcastic laugh. This man.

"I'm just worried about you, its not safe so late." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms aross my chest.

"I can take care of myself. Now if you excuse me I want to get home." I went to spin on my heel before marching off but his footsteps were still behind me.

"Yah ~ Let me give you a ride. I have my car." He was now walking backwards in front of me. I kept my eyes straight. I don't want to see him. "Yoongs..." I glanced at him, hearing the small nickname.

I came to a stop. He stopped with me, almost falling in the process. He watched my intently as I thought it through. The fast I get home the faster I can get away from this idiot.


Baby Blues || Yoomin TO BE DELETEDWhere stories live. Discover now