Two Steps Ahead Of The Game

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It has been a week since the accident and I am still laid in this hospital bed. I can't understand why this happened to me. I know that it was to prove some sort of point. I haven't seen January in a few days and I am starting to worry about her because she on this gangsta type shit. I have to admit that it is sexy but at the same time it is kind of scary. I just hope she doesn't do anything crazy that will land her behind bars. As I was in my thoughts someone walked in. When I looked over it was Johntae.

"What's up man?" I said to Johntae.

"Nothing much just came to check up on you. So how are you doing?"

"I am good. I'm ready to get the hell out of here. Have you talked to January?"

Johntae sighed because he knew that January was about to do some crazy shit. He didn't think that now was the time to tell him this being that he was recovering.

"Yeah, I talked to her but she is on some other shit. I mean shit that has me scared to even question or give my input."

Que ran his good arm through his dreads in frustration. He had is left arm in a sling. He knew that January had been pushed too far and she wasn't backing down from anybody or anything.

"I just hope that she is taking care of herself because I haven't seen her in a few days. I'm missing her like crazy."

"Que I know but just know that whatever she is doing she is doing out of love for you and her family. She has been pushed over the edge and she is now pushing back ten times harder. So whoever gets in her way better be prepared."

It was as if they had talked January up because no sooner than Johntae said what he said she breezed in like a gush of wind. When she walked in she had on all black. Johntae and I Iooked at each other and knew that something was going on but we were afraid to say anything.

"Hey baby." January said.

"What's up bae."

"How are you feeling?" January asked.

Que raised a concerned brow looking over at January in her all black attire.

"I should be asking you how you are feeling?"

January chuckled lightly and caressed my cheek while looking at her brother.

"I couldn't be better." January said with a weird smirk on her face.


"Johntae please don't start in on me. Now is not the time. Just know that I am taking care of some things and that is all that you need to know. Whatever you may know or think you know just keep to yourself." January said while looking at Que.

There was no trying to reason with her no matter what. She was on a mission and there was nothing no one could do or say to stop her.

January (Four Hours Earlier)

I stood in front of someone that I thought I would never have to deal with or see again. The fear in her eyes said it all. She wasn't expecting me to be this cold person but sometimes life's situations make you become who you are. She sat tied to the chair as I circled around her. I pulled her roughly by her hair and whispered harshly in her ear.

"Tell me what the hell is going on. Don't bullshit me either because I will not feel a bit of remorse for whatever I decide to do with you."

Tears cascaded down her face but at that moment I could have cared less.

"Please I will tell you whatever you want to know just don't hurt me." She said.

I laughed a sinster laugh as I walked in front of her squatting down. l looked at her with narrowed eyes as I patted her cheek.

"Good girl. Now tell me what I want to know and tell me the truth because if I find out you are lying or have lied to me then you know what to expect."

She nodded in understanding and started telling me everything from the beginning. Once she told me shit that I wasn't even ready for I knew that I had set up a plan before all hell broke lose. It's funny the things you find out and it's funny how things turn around.

"Tell you what I am going to hold you for a few more days just to make sure you don't try no slick shit."

With those parting words I walked out and told one of the guys that worked for my father to watch her.

I got in the car to make a few needed phone calls before heading to the hospital to check on Que. I know it has been a few days since seeing Que but I had somethings to handle. I was on a mission for the sweetest revenge.


It has been almost a week since I seen or heard anything from my informant. I know that she was going back to Atlanta to check up on some things, but now something isn't adding up. Now that I found out January is the same January that my sister Tarah kidnapped, has caused things to become complicated. I really don't know how to feel about this. When my sister Tamara called me crying and seemed as if she feared her life I knew it had to be something. She admitted that the baby wasn't Que's that it was Donte's. I couldn't believe the mess and the drama that has taken place and is being created. I was sitting in my living room drinking some Patron when there was a knock on my door. I wasn't really expecting any company but I thought that maybe it could have been my informant.

When I swung the door open I was not ready for who I saw on the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Is that anyway to greet me after all the bullshit I had to go through and put up with."

I sighed and stepped aside to let him enter. He got comfortable by propping his feet up on my coffee table. I clenched my teeth to keep from saying some slick shit out of my mouth.

"What do you want Taurus?"

"Ahh there are a lot of things that I want but there is only one thing that I really want or should I say one person that I really want. You should know who I am talking about. I am aware that you have a thing for her but I'm afraid that she belongs to me, she just doesn't know it."

Zy could not believe that his brother-in-law was that stupid. Hell he was obsessed. It makes me wonder what the hell she got between her damn legs to make him act this way.

"Look Taurus she doesn't want you and did you forget that your dumb ass still married to my sister. Not only that my sister is locked up because of you and your cheating ass ways. She kidnapped January with every intention of killing her and if she finds out you are still after her she is going to make sure a bullet is placed in your ass."

"Well I don't have to worry about that now because I am two steps ahead of the game."


Being locked up hasn't stopped a damn thing. I got somebody always watching and waiting to do destruction at all cost. I had to laugh to myself because this is going to be so good when everything falls into place. January's precious daddy ain't gone be able to help her this time because the same PI that is working for him is also working for me and my accomplice.

The guard was taking me out to the front because I had a visitor. When I seen who it was I smiled brightly because I knew that he had news for me. I went and sat in front of him with my hands clasped together on the table.

"So tell me what you got for me." I said.

"Mission accomplished. Next is me getting to January and I can't wait to for that opportunity to be with her. I never knew she was that beautiful."

"Just make sure you follow through and don't think with your dick but stay focused."

"I will because I gotta stay two steps ahead of the game......"


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