Chapter Nine: Aftermath

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Harry jumps to his feet, and Ron shouts, "WHAT?"

Harry immediately starts protesting. "How can they? He's a Death Eater! How could they stick you with him?"

Ron turns red with anger. "That - "

"Ronald!" I say reproachfully, as several people in the common room turn to stare.

"Sorry, 'Mione." He looks sheepish, but Harry still needs to be calmed down.

"THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THAT IDIOT, BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE MCGONAGALL CHOSE HIM! HIM!" Harry is practically spitting, now, and I swear steam is coming out of his ears. I eye other classmates nervously, sure that they're getting a negative impression of him. A lot of people are staring avidly at us now.

"Harry James Potter!"

He shuts up.

"You two seem to be forgetting that I'm the one stuck with him, not you two," I say calmly.

"But - but - " Harry looks for something to say, and finally splutters, "But we're your friends!"

"It's not that bad," I try to convince them at the same time that I'm telling myself it's going to be okay.

"But- but-" Harry keeps stuttering, at loss to what to say. For the one who defeated Voldemort, he is pretty hopeless sometimes. "But you said-"

"Did I say something?" I ask innocently.

"Yes!" Ron bellows, causing a bunch of already timid first-years to scurry out in fright. Ron glances at them fleeing for an instance, then continues. "YOU'RE STUCK WITH AN ARROGANT FERRET THAT ALSO HAPPENS TO BE A SUPPORTER OF VOLDEMORT FOR A YEAR!"  

Dimly, I register in the back of my mind that this is the first time that Ron has said Voldemort without flinching. Hmm, figures, I muse to myself. Interesting to see when Ron gets really angry that he decides to -

"Not to mention-"


He shuts up too.

"Now you two listen here. I don't want you and Harry to overact, but - "

"If there's anything the ferret does to bother you, we're here for you," Ron interrupts, overriding me.

I smile tolerantly. I don't think it'll come to that, but I appreciate the sentiment. "Thanks, guys," I say. They've both calmed down somewhat, and Ron has stopped muttering quietly under his breath. In the silence, Harry takes a peek at Ginny, who returns the look shyly.

I laugh. "Harry, go."

He returns the knowing look I send him with a small scowl, but then decides to drop the subject about Malfoy and hurries off to Ginny, who kisses him as they sit near the fireplace, talking animatedly.

Ron says, "Look, Hermione, I don't like this, but if you're okay, I'm okay," he finishes, finally ending the conversation with a kiss.

As I embrace Ron, I think - I hope - that everything will be fine. After all, Voldemort's dead, the Death Eaters are gone, and Harry won the War. What can happen now?

(What can happen, indeed?

Thank you to everyone, for reading it!)

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