SPECIAL- Angela's POV [unedited]

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Hi! Hello! Hey! What's up? :)

As promised, here is the special chapter on Angela's POV!



The screams and shouts echo as I race through the crowd, searching for my parents.

Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, was alive.

The fight commences, but I don't even try to fight. Curses fly past me, house elves dart here and there, centaurs race from the forest, wizards attack and defend themselves, and still I don't do anything, screaming for my parents.


Melissa, my mother, and Brian, my father, are on the outskirts of the castle, and turn at my shouts.

I see them, and they see me. But instead of trying to get to me, which would mean that they would have to go into the heart of the battle, they turn their back on me.

"Mum?" I whisper. "Dad?"

And then they spin, and they disappear.

I stare, horrified, at the empty spot where they used to be before a wizard blocks my view, frantically dueling with a Death Eater.

I close my eyes, and crumple to the floor.


When I wake up, I am in a hospital kind of room, with beds and people lying on them.

The first thought I have flashes into my mind. Where am I?

The second thought is painful. My parents abandoned me.

The third- I am in the hands of the enemy.

I try to rise, and almost immediately a woman comes bustling over. "There, there, dear," she says soothingly. "You're in no condition to walk. You should rest."

"Where am I?" I say. Surely, if they meant me harm, they wouldn't have bandaged my leg, or healed the cuts on my face and arms.

"You're at Hogwarts," she said, gently pushing me back into the bed. "Here. Take this. It will help you feel better."

She hands me a piece of chocolate, and unexpectedly, tears spring to my eyes. How long has it been since I have had candy?

Seven years ago, when my parents celebrated my eleventh birthday.

I bit into it slowly, and flavor hits my mouth. "Thank you," I say quietly.

"It was nothing, dear," she says, smiling at me.

It wasn't nothing to me.

She leaves and I finish the piece, sighing in contentment.

I fall asleep, wondering what has happened to You-Know-Who.

Two hours later, I wake up. The nurse says, "The headmistress wants to see you, dear. All you have to do is take a right, a left, climb some stairs, and take another right."

I nod mutely, and leave. However, this was my first time in this place.

It isn't long before I am hopelessly lost.

Finally, I manage to find a gargoyle, which lets me aside without question. I climb up the stairs and knock at a door, which opens.

"Hello?" I call.

"I've been expecting you," a stern voice says, making me jump.

A woman walks into view. She is old, but not in the affectionate grandmother old way. More like the uptight teacher that nobody likes.

Dramione: An Impossible Fantasy [Being Edited]Where stories live. Discover now