Chapter 3

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        Two years later

Shadow is now two years old. She has lived with James and Kate for couple of years. Shadow doesn't stay inside the house anymore since she is very big. She stays in an enclosed cage where James monitors her progress and health. Today is the day where James is going to let Shadow out in the wild. Shadow knows how to hunt her own prey and how to survive alone in the wild. During the two years James brought Shadow in the forest and let her on her own. But she had a radio collar on her at all times. James came toward her cage and opened it and went inside the cage. Shadow has a great bond with James. She only let him feed her and touch her. Shadow trusts James with her life since he took her in and took care of her. Shadow saw James coming towards her cage and went up to him and licked his hand to greet him. James petted her and guided her into a smaller cage. She followed him and went inside the smaller cage. She thought that he was taking her in the forest to spent time with her like they do everyday. James got the cage in his truck and started to drive. Shadow sensed that James was sad. She didn't know why so she licked his hand to tell him it was okay. They drove far away to a unfamiliar place. When they got there, James took out the cage from the truck and carried it. James then put her cage down and opened the door. Shadow came out of the cage and looked at James with questionable look towards him. He kneeled down on the ground and looked at shadow and said.

" I am sorry, but you need to go back home." He stood up and started to walk back to his truck. Shadow didn't want him to leave so she followed him. James heard Shadow following him , he turned towards Shadow and started to make fast movements and yelling loudly at Shadow. She got scared and ran away from him. She couldn't understand why he was acting like this and was trying to scare her. She slowed down and looked back. James was already in the car driving off. Shadow felt very alone but she knew that he didn't want her anymore. She decided to wander around in the forest maybe to find another lone wolf that will take her in and live together. Hours past as Shadow kept walking. She came across a den that was empty. She looked around to see someone owned it. Shadow walked toward it but then stopped dead at her tracks. Right in front of her was another wolf staring at her. This wolf was a female and Shadow can tell that this wolf was old. The female wolf snarled at her saying.

" What do you think you are doing? This is not your territory. " Shadow tried to explain but the old she-wolf won't listen to her.

" Did you hear what I said ? Get out!" Shadow was tired and she needed a place to sleep. She stood her ground and refused to leave.

" No" Shadow told her in a low threatening voice. The she-wolf growled at her and went to attack Shadow. Shadow quickly dodged her and she went towards her throat to kill her. Shadow bite down hard on the throat and then something knocked Shadow away from the old wolf. Shadow got up to her feet and saw another wolf but this one was a male. He was the same age as her. He stood in between Shadow and the old she-wolf. He looked at her and growled.

" Leave my mother alone" he warned her. Shadow didn't like how the male wolf was telling her what to do. She took a step forward towards the male wolf and explain the situation. As he was listening he noticed that Shadow had a bad stench on her. He interrupted Shadow and said.

" Why do you smell like a human? You smell nasty." Shadow got embarrassed and lowered her ears.

" Well, I got caught by humans when I was eleven months old and I lived with them for a while. " He then asked Shadow another question.

" Why were you alone and by yourself? Shadow started to get annoyed with all the questions that this wolf was asking her. She sighed and said.

" Well, actually I used to live here but I had to leave because my mother died." Both the wolves looked at each other.

" Shadow? Is it really you" Shadow looked at him with shocking eyes.

" Who are you?" she asked in a nervous voice. The male wolf replied back to Shadow.

" It's me,Fang. Your brother." Shadow's heart started to beat very fast with excitement. She rushed towards Fang and nuzzled him.

" Oh my god , it's really you Fang!" Fang was happy beyond anything. Shadow and Fang licked each other with both their tails wagging. When they were done greeting each other. Fang told Shadow that the old female wolf was their mother. Shadow greeted her the same way. The three of them reunited after two years of not seeing each other. Fang then ask Shadow something.

Shadow was shocked that her mother was alive, she saw her dead body when she was a pup but Luna explained that she was shot but she survived her wounds thanks to some humans that were walking by and took her in and healed her wounds. The hunter left the body only because he would be caught. Just as the pups left their mother thats when the human came and saved Luna.

" Where is Moon?" Shadow was then reminded about her brother being mauled to death by the bear.

" I am sorry to tell you this but he didn't make it." She lowered her head as the memories came back to her. Fang and Luna were devastated to hear the sad news.  

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