chapter 6

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This was Shadow's first litter as a first time mom. She didn't know how to raise pups by herself. But she wasn't alone in this, her mate Severus will help her all the way through with raising their pups. Severus curled up next to Shadow and watched the newborn pups who are blind and deaf, suckling on their mother for milk. It felt very relaxing to Shadow, feeling the pups little paws kneading against her belly.

 During the day Severus would go out and hunt for his mate. While Severus is out hunting , Shadow would stay in the den with her pups and feed them four times a day. When Severus came back he had a rabbit in his mouth. He slowly came towards Shadow and put the dead rabbit in front of her. Shadow was starving and quickly ate it, Severus cleared his throat. Shadow then realized that she didn't leave anything for Severus to eat. Shadow slowly looked up at him and lowered her ears back.

" I am sorry, I was just really hungry."

Severus shook his head, he loved Shadow so much that he could never stay angry at her, especially when she acted so adorable.

"It's ok babe, I'll live. I worry more about you and the pups." Severus leaned over Shadow's head and licked her. Severus went outside again and got food for himself and came back in the den. The sky grew darker and the stars appeared in the sky. Shadow was fast asleep with the pups all snugged together to keep each other warm. Severus laid down next to his mate, licking between her ears. Severus is always alert for anything. He listened to the sounds that came outside of the den. Severus was just about to close his eyes when he heard something. He sniffed the air that was coming inside the den. 

Severus then caught a scent of a wolf just outside their den. Severus didn't recognize this scent, which made him very uneasy. He let a low growl as he stood up and walked outside the den to investigate. As Severus came out he saw the wolf that he smelled earlier. This wolf was a male and he was all black except for his eyes, which were blue. Severus's fur bristled with his ears were pinned back, snarling at the rival wolf who was in his territory.

" Who are you, and what do you want?" Severus asked, never letting this wolf out of his sights.The black wolf quietly laughed to himself.

" Do you not recognize me, brother?" Severus gasped. He hadn't seen his brother for years. His brother who is named Prince has scars all over him and his fur was messy and unkept. Severus didn't know what to say. Prince said to him.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you, Severus. " Severus looked at his brother and said.

"What happened to you Prince." Prince looked at him angrily .

" Don't you not remember what you did to me?" Severus's memory came back to him. He remembered the day that Prince got caught in a human trap and Severus left him there.

After a moment Severus replied.

" I am sorry of what I did to you, it wasn't right of me to leave you there.

Prince furiously snarled at Severus.

" You think I want your apology! It's too late now!" Severus never saw his brother so angry.

" Do you know what I've been through all these years? Oh of course not because you left me when I needed you the most! You betrayed me!" Severus knew that Prince will not let this go so easily.

" You're right, I was stupid. I was only thinking about myself. But you have to leave now. This is not your territory." Prince had a feeling that Severus was hiding something . He also knew that there was something in the den.

" So what's in the den?" Severus nervously looked at the den then looked back at his brother.

" That's not of your concern" Severus didn't like telling his older brother what to do. He was trying to protect his family from his brother. Not knowing what Prince would do to them.

" Move Severus" Prince said in a low dangerous voice. Severus held his ground and stared right into his brother's eyes.

" No Prince" Prince then heard a small whimper sound from inside the den. He then realized what was in the den.

"Ahhh, you have pups in there." Severus then snapped his jaws at Prince, warning him not to come any closer. Prince took the warning and did not approach any closer.

" I will be watching you Severus" Prince said unto him. He turned around and left. Severus was glad that nothing bad happened to him or his family. Severus came back in the den and laid down with Shadow. Shadow was awake and asked Severus.

" Who was that, Babe?" Severus told her not to worry and they both went back to sleep. 

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