Chapter 5

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When morning came Severus woke up from sleeping. He looked over to Shadow who was dead asleep. Severus licked her face to get her up. Shadow didn't want to get up but Severus was persistent to get her awake. Finally Shadow opened her eyes and got up to her feet. Severus and Shadow both cleaned themselves from the dirt that was stuck to their fur. After that they went to the forest and went hunting for food. 

Severus and Shadow followed a herd of Elk. Both of them were assessing the herd, looking for an Elk that was displaying any signs of weakness. Soon they spotted an Elk that was limping among the herd. Shadow and Severus started to trot near the Elk. The Elk started to panic and run, Shadow's job was to herd the Elk. Darting back and forth in front of the prey , causing confusion and preventing escape. As Severus go close to the injured Elk he grabbed hold of it and took it down aggressively and quickly . Shadow came to Severus's side to help him with the kill. Severus took hold of the prey's throat and bit hard on its neck, suffocating it .

 After a long day of hunting, Severus and Shadow laid together on an open grass field, cuddling with each other. Shadow was the happiest wolf that could ever be. Severus was grooming Shadow and keeping her warm. The stars were out as well as a full moon shining bright. The two wolves decided to howl together. Severus had a deep howl than Shadow. Both of their howls were in synch with each other.

 Couple weeks went by in the beginning of March and Severus started to notice that Shadow was irritated and moody a lot. If Severus got close to her, Shadow would snap and snarl at him. Severus didn't know why she was acting like that but he decided to leave her alone. Shadow was in the den a lot and will not let Severus go inside. The reason why Shadow was being aggressive towards her mate was because she was pregnant with his pups. Shadow decided to tell Severus the news. She called Severus over and said to him.

" Severus, I have something to tell you." Severus listened carefully to Shadow.

" I am with pups" Severus instantly smiled and said with joy.

" That's great Shadow! We are going to have our own family."

Severus was so excited, He licked Shadow all over her face. Shadow was as happy as Severus was. Soon the time came for the pups to be born. Severus helped Shadow with the process and did what Shadow told him do. After five hours of labor Shadow finally could rest and be with her six pups and her mate. Shadow's newborn pups were all different colors. There was four females and two males

Two out of the four females were black. They are named Bella and Destiny. The other two females are grey. They were named Spirit and Eclipse. The one of the males was grey and the other was white. The grey male was named Flash. The white male was named Ghost. 

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