The Note 1

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Carol's POV

Finally I'm home I can't wait to take off these heels. I thought to myself as I climbed out of my black ford focus. I opened the back car door and grabbed my pink tote bag and my purse. I closed the door and pressed the lock button until I heard the beep notifying me that my car was securely locked. I walked up to my front porch and noticed a large vanilla folder with my name written in large black letters on the front. I kneeled down and grabbed it and unlocked the front door and hurried inside. It was the middle of January and the snow had been coming down hard for the last three days. I took off my shoes and stretched my feet a little and locked the door behind me and headed to the kitchen to put my stuff down. I threw my keys in the little bowl that my niece had made me in art class. I grabbed the folder and ripped it open excited for what I might find. I pulled out a small white envelope. Once I managed to get that opened I pulled out a piece of paper, I unfolded it and tossed it on the counter. Some reckless teens thought it would be funny to write a stupid letter to scare me freaking immature. I looked at the note scribbled on the paper once again.

I'll be watching and waiting for you my love.

I wasn't in the mood for this crap not tonight. I walked up the stairwell and started the bath water. I went to the cupboard and grabbed the bubbles and poured the thick liquid in with the warm running water. Once the tub was full I turned off the water and undressed and took my blond hair out of the clip, and dipped my toes then my whole foot in the water and gracefully laid down.  The warm water surrounding me was relaxing I soaked in the warm soapy water until it became luke warm.  I then rinsed off and washed myself.  I dried myself off and grabbed my gorgeous lotion from Victoria Secret and lathers my body head to toe.  I went to bed ready for the weekend ahead. Mark and Demi decided to take me out clubbing since I needed more "fun" in my life.  I was perfectly fine with my life the way it was. On the plus side I get to have a night out with the besties.

Adams POV.

I double checked the letter to make sure that it was good enough for her to even read. This was my 6th attempt at my first letter to her to realize that she had a love interest. I hope shes likes it. I put on my coat and boots and headed to my silver Toyota. I hopped in and started the heater right away, I waited about five minutes then pulled out of the driveway and down the road to go to her place. I have been watching her for two weeks and she hasn't noticed me. I looked down at my knuckles clutching the steering wheel. No I can't get mad at her for not noticing I have been hiding and she is probably caught up with her job. I drove for another ten minutes to get to her home. I pictured how much she would like that I have made the step to write to her and get her attention. I could picture her smile, her pink full lips curled up and then she would kiss me and never want to let go. She'll find me and invite me over and then we will make passionate love. I stopped three houses from hers and jumped out of the car and headed to her doorstep. I knew her schedule so I knew she would be at work until 8pm that night. I glanced at my watch it was only 3pm I had tons of time. I placed the large envelope on her doorstep and repositioned to look just perfect for when she got home. I wanted to please her. I got back in the car and headed home to plan my next surprise for my love Carol.

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