Another Note And Flowers 3

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After Kyle left I ran upstairs and got a shower and went to go to sleep.  I hadn't got that far when the door bell rang.  I ran down the stairs to see who it was.  When I opened the door no one was there but there was another envelope with flowers sitting on her porch.  I picked them u and headed back into the house.  I took a seat on the couch and opened the envelope.

To my dearest love,

I know you didn't mean to upset me when you met that man at the club last night.  I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry that I made you think you needed to go to other men when you have me.  I promise I'll talk to you soon and then we can finally be together.  He won't be bothering you anymore I give you my word on that.  I hope you like the flowers, don't let them die I know they're your favorite.  I love you. 

Love, Your man

By the end of the letter Carol was shaking violently and she threw the flowers and note on the ground.  She had to go to the police She grabbed her coat and purse and grabbed the evidence and headed straight to the police station.  I went through the doors and walked up to the counter.

"Hello yes I'm getting weird letters."  I stated.

"OK ma'am well just have a seat I'll have someone with you in just a moment." The nice gentleman behind the counter told me.

I went and took a seat and waited.  A tall male walked up to me with the name tag Douge.

"Hello miss how can I make your life easier today?"  The man that I assumed was Douge asked.

I followed him to a room and showed him both the notes and flowers.

"Well ma'am has this been the only harassment you have received?" Douge asked.

"Yes sir, and it seems to be getting worse each time they come.  I'm starting to get a little scared, is there anyway that you can help me."  I questioned.

Adams POV

After I left the letters at he doorstep I started seond guessing myself was I to harsh?  No I don't think so it was just stating what I felt for her.  I gave her some lilacs her favorite flower.  She was just so precious.  Sarah was like that at first to but she turned bad so I had to leave her.  I seen that she was leaving the house in a hurry.  I followed her all the way to the police station.  I casted a puzzled look.  Why is she going there?  I hope no one is bothering my sweet lady.  She deserves nothing but the best, and that's what I plan on giving her.  Soon we will go somewhere and start our lives together.  I waited outside for her.  After about and hour and a half she came out looking rather pissed off.  I noticed she didn't have the notes nor the flowers that I gave her that she went in with.  Oh no maybe that's why she's mad what if they took away her gifts that I gave her from her.  I headed back home ready to make it up to her. 

I had just finished the letter and headed down the hall to my room.  I stripped down to my boxer briefs and climbed into bed.

"Nooo" Sarah screamed "I don't love you, you bastard.  You took me from my family, my children, and you took away their father". 

"Sarah calm down your just over reacting he didn't love you, and your children they took advantage of you my love."  I stated.

I went to grab her but she moved. 

"Sarah come here."  I said sternly. 

She still refused.

I went to grab her and she ran and locked herself in the bedroom.

I don't know what has gotten into her, we had made love plenty of times I knew she loved me back.

I shook the door handle but it wouldn't budge.  I reached on top of the door frame ledge and grabbed the key.  I opened the door with ease.  Her face had fear written over it.

"Sarah just lay down I'll make it better, I'll love you like no one ha before.  Baby come on."  I cooed.

I took a step near her and she threw a lamp at me.  I felt it hit my head.  I rubbed the spot where it hit me .  I lunged at her.  Once I had a strong grip on her I threw her on the bed.  I held both her arms up with one hand and began to undress her with the other.  I undid my pants and stuck my hard erected shaft inside her and went slow and picked up pace.  It felt so nice she began to whimper, that only turned me  even on more knowing that I was pleasing her body with my own.  I slipped out of her and forced her on top of me.  I shoved my shaft into her mouth and forced to suck.  Oh did it feel good.  Once she was finished we layed down together.  I slowly drifted into sleep, but not for long until I heard her get out of bed.  I grabbed her arm.

"Where do you think you're going?"  I snarled.

"Leaving". She said sternly.

No you are not.  I grabbed her and forced her on the floor.  She was struggling to much I had to sit on her. She kept hitting me.  I finally knew she had to go.  I wrapped my hands around her neck and pressed down.  Her breathing slowed til it came to a complete stop.  I got off her and kissed her forehead.  I closed her eyes with my fingers. 

"I'm sorry baby I had to.  I love you".  I sobbed into her shirt.

When I got up her shirt was soaked with my tears.  I got up and grabbed all the blankets and sheets off the bed and wrapped them around her cold limp body.  I picked her up bridal style and put her in my backseat and drove off to the dense forest woods.  I buried her by a large pine tree and left her there.  I drove back home and washed up and slept on the couch so I could head home the next day.

I woke up sweat covering my body.  I kept having dreams about Sarah and I didn't know why.  Maybe because I missed her.  I wouldn't miss her that much when I had Carol in my arms.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ok so you guys got to see what happened to Sarah I will add little bits and pieces of Adam and Sarahs relationship don't forget to vote or comment. (:

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