Iron Man 1

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After grandpa died dad took over Stark Industries and creates weapons and has brilliant ideas and me Savannah helps my dad create these weapons and give him the ideas to help him with it. Dad went to Afghanistan to present the new "Jericho" missile. But instead, Dad is attacked and kidnapped by terrorists known as the Ten Rings who order him and doctor Yinsen to build the Jericho, but instead, they spend days in the cave creating an arc reactor to keep shrapnel from dad's heart and armor to escape. 

During the escape, Yinsen is killed and Stark's suit charges and he uses it to defeat the Ten Rings. He, however, crash-lands in the middle of the desert during flight and without his armor, he runs in the desert broken down but is found by his best friend Uncle James Rhodes as they return. There, dad announces no more weapons, and it disappoints Obadiah Stane while dad is at home me and him build a streamlined and newer suit, every day making it more capable of flight. After discovering the Ten Rings are using his weapons and Stane had betrayed him, dad dons his armor to fight the Ten Rings, who later find parts of dad's prototype suit and contact Stane so he could build them an army of iron soldiers to rule Asia but he betrays them and steals the armor for his own purposes, reverse-engineering it into his own suit.

Dda decides to find out who sent the Ten Rings the weapons, so he sends his assistant Pepper Potts to hack into Stane's computer believing he could have been dealing with them, and she finds out Stane had sent the Ten Rings to kill dad but they reneged. She arrives with S.H.I.E.L.D. to arrest Stane. 

Stane's scientists cannot duplicate the ARC Reactor tech so Stane steals dad's and dons his suit to attack SHIELD and goes after Pepper, but however Dad using his original ARC Reactor saves her and the two warriors battle, and once they get atop the Stark facility, dad orders Potts to overload the giant arc reactor to electrocute Stane, defeating him. The next day dad is named "Iron Man" and is advised to keep the identity a secret but reveals it anyways.

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