Information and Rules

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Ok, so I'll post different scenarios and you'll roleplay them individually with me. Or if you want, with someone else, just ask me then tag the person you want to roleplay with in that scenario. You can choose any of my OCs from my multiple roleplay books and from my OC book. When we're roleplaying, you can either state which one of my OCs to roleplay with and what roleplay book they're from. Some scenarios will be angsty, some will be fluffy and cute, and some might be sad. It depends on the scenario and sometimes how I'm feeling. Hope you guys enjoy! And if your confused or have any questions, ask below and I'll try to explain as best as I can!


Rule 1: I would like for you to make one male with every female you make. If you make just males then that's fine. It's not mandatory but I would appreciate it.

Rule 2: You must be detailed. No one liners or short sentences. At least 3-4 complete sentences. If anything less, I'll tell you to add more. Also, have your replies make sense and no run-on sentences.

Rule 4: I'll allow cussing, just censor it. Also, if you've made it this far without skipping, comment down below your favorite animal.

Rule 5: No overpowered OC's or Mary Sues who think their perfect in every shape and form.

Rule 7: No spamming. Wait at least 2 hours to tag me.

Rule 8: I'll allow smut, but you can't get into a relationship with my oc right off the bat unless it says so in the scenario, such as you being my OC's girlfriend/boyfriend. At least over a hundred replies.

Rule 10: Add drama. Don't expect me to add all the drama, I'll most likely be too afraid to add some anyways XD. But seriously, sometimes even I have a dry-spout on drama

Rule 11: Have fun!

° Remember! °
You can choose any of my OCs to roleplay with, which includes all my individual roleplay books, not just my oc book ^^

I'll probably add more to this later on

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