[ W A N N A G O O N A N A D V E N T U R E ? ]

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MUSE A and MUSE B were two very adventurous spirits, and were also the best of friends. They did everything together, from working on school projects to getting in trouble together. And due to their rambunctious spirits, they often got into trouble, whether it's at school or even by the law for trespassing into some abandoned building.

One night while MUSE B was laying around in their room, having just been grounded by their parents for yet again trespassing into an old building, they heard a soft knock at their window. Curiously, they quickly headed to the window, spotting MUSE A crouched by her window on the roof beside MUSE B's window. They noticed that MUSE A had some kind of hiker's backpack with them. After lifting up the window, MUSE A poked their head inside. "Wanna go on an adventure with me?" They asked, a mischievous glint in their eyes as they smiled.

You can choose which muse to be, and remember you have to choose one of my OCs from my roleplay books.

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