° Soulmate Starters °

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• " I guess you're my soulmate then. I wasn't expecting this, to be completely honest. "

• " There's no way you're my soulmate. "

• " Wait, what do you mean you're my soulmate? I thought that was a myth! "

• " I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you. "

• " I don't just love you because the fates seemed it that way... I love you because you make me happy. "

• " So it just so happens that my soulmate is a two-thousand year old alien. "

• " You aren't meant for me, but I was meant for you. "

• " If there's one thing I could ever be sure of, it's that your soul and mine are one. "

• " I will love you for eternity. "

• " God... my soulmate is a complete and utter dork. "

You can choose which character says the sentence, one of my OCs or yours. Then we just roll on from there.

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