chapter 2

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I woke up to find myself in what looked to be an infirmary, 'what happened to me', I slowly sat up and got of the bed, the ground was cold but it did no affect my naturally warm temperature, just as my feet hit the floor the door opened to revival Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Robin

"friend you are awake" Starfire yelled

I nodded my head and bowed

"thank you for helping me, I will get out of you hair now"

"that's ok, and you don't have to go, we seen you fighting it was amazing" robin exclaimed

" yes it was AWESOME, the way to took him down with a few punched" Beast Boy yelled

"yeah, little laddie got bite" Cyborg gave me a thumbs up and said

"it was pretty good" Raven said emotionless

"that is why we want you to join the Teen Titans" robin said holding out a communicator with a 'T' on it,

I looked them all in the eye then slowly raised my hand and took the communicator

"OH YEAH !, lets go celebrate with a Tofu breakfast made by your truly!" Beast boy yelled with little love heart popping around his head as he though of breakfast

"or we could have some real food" said Cyborg and everyone agreed

"you guys are sick" muttered Beast Boy.

I stared at everyone as the sat around a table eating

"Em come over and sit down !" Beast Boy yelled patting the seat next to him

"Em" I said putting my head to the side in confusion

" yeah its a nickname I made for you" beast Boy smiled at me, his mouth full of food

I walked over and sat down looking at all the food, some of which I had not see before like the weird purple goo in a bowl,

"who wants Tofu waffles?" said Beast Boy bring out a plate full of waffles

"man, no own wants Tofu waffles" said Cyborg and Beast boy sat down looking sad

I raised my hand

"I shall try one Beast Boy"

his face lit up like a Christmas tree as he put some on my plate, I put a bit in my mouth and hummed

"Its good Beast Boy, I don't know why they all don't want any" I smiled at him, a deep blush formed over his green cheeks

" thanks Em" he whispered

"oh, does little beasty weasty have a wittle crush on Em" Cyborg cooed

"SHUT UP CY" Beast boy yelled but his face is as red as a tomato

I smiled at him and ruffled his green hair. After breakfast Beast Boy and Cyborg where playing video games, i walked over and sat in between them

"my I join this game?, I have never played video games before"

"sure, her you can take my remote" Beast Boy said passing it

"thanks Beast Boy" I smiled at him.

Suddenly any alarm when off,

"titans, there is trouble down town, TEEN TITANS GO!" Robin exclaimed

my wings came out my back as I jumped into the air, I flew next to a now bird beast boy. When we got down town we saw that block head again

" Its cinderblock again" Cyborg said

"TITANS GO" Robin yelled

Cyborg and raven bolted forward while Starfire flew up and shot it with her laser beam like eyes, Robin shoot his grappling hook at it head and swung around and Beast boy change into a Rhino and charged at it. I flew around watching them, they looked like they were doing well and would not need me.

A of a sudden Beast Boy was sent flying towards a building alone with Starfire, for some reason something in me snapped, parts of my body grew scales and my wings grew bigger, a tail grow out my tail bone, and two horns grew out my head and my eyes turned bright red

"you just made the biggest mistake of your life, you hurt my family and now I will hurt you" I spat

I flew at Cinderblock and smashed him fist into his face knocking him down to the ground, a growl escaped my lips

" NOW sparks, SWORD MODE"

my dragon ring flew of my finger, there was a bright light and in its place was a huge sword

"DIE" I yelled and swung the sword

The last thing I heard was Beast Boy yelling my name in what I believed to be if fear of me, but why.

I was in a think inky darkness, I could here peoples voices around me but did not have the strength to open my eyes, all I could see was black

"Cy, why has she no woken up yet ? , you said she is fine, that there is nothing wrong with her" I believed to be my dear friend Beast Boy

" I don't known BB" Cyborg answered in a whisper

slowly my eye opened, I looked to the side to see Beast Boy with his back to me

"Beast Boy " I said

"EM!" he yelled happily while hugging me

"Beast Boy are you ok?"

"am I ok more like are you ok ?" he said pulling away from the hug

" yes. I am fine" I said with a same laugh

"come on you two, we have a surprise for you Em" Cyborg said

I look at them in confusion

"for me?"

"yep come and we will show you" they both said dragging me out the door.














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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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