Chapter 2

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Strolling through the trees under a bright full moon, Blinky felt himself relax a little, more than he had been able to since taking command. With the tension drained from his muscles, Blinky felt suddenly exhausted, so he stopped to lean against a tree and simply breath in the clean forest air.

As it always did, Blinky's mind strayed back to his friends. He smiled ruefully as he wondered how much trouble he'd be in for this little trip; after all, it was just wishful thinking that his little field trip wouldn't be discovered. Blinky felt a little guilt as he pictured his friends searching for him until they found the note- but no matter, he would be back before evening meal. Even now his stomach rumbled, and Blinky found himself laughing.

He laughed, the sound hopeless and bitter, because he didn't know what else to do. Their food supply was getting dangerously low, even replenishing it as well as they could, and Blinky had taken to eating only once a day or not at all, just to make sure that the food lasted just a little longer.

Blinky shook himself off. He was being ridiculous; he might be learning still, he might make mistakes, but they were doing alright still. They would figure it out together instead of struggling alone.

Blinky stepped back onto the path and headed back towards the camp; he was hurrying a little now, having gone farther than he meant to. Part way back, Blinky heard something rustling in the bushes. Whirling to face the source of the noise, Blinky didn't realize the trap hidden in some leaves until he stepped directly into it. He yelled in alarm as he was yanked into the air by his foot. Hanging suspended upside down in the air, Blinky crossed his arms and growled, "Great. This is just great." Indeed, the situation was a bit not good.

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