Chapter 3

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Blinky had tried to call for help, but had realized that he was too far from the camp to be heard. All he could do was hope that his friends found him soon. Interrupting his thought, Blinky could hear heavy footsteps came down the path behind him, perhaps half an hour after he had blundered into the trap.

An all too familiar voice whispered a question, then, getting an answer that apparently pleased the voice's owner, there was a laugh and then a purred, "Well, well, well, hello again Blinkous."

Hearing Dictatious, Blinky felt rage boiling his blood. He twisted, desperately trying to free himself, only for the rope to be cut. By some bizarre trick, Blinky landed on his feet; the ankle that he had been suspended from, weakened already by his struggles, collapsed under the stress of the fall.

Blinky hissed in pain but otherwise kept silent. The last time he had spoken with Dictatious he had accidentally given away the location of Killahead bridge; Blinky wanted to avoid giving Dictatious any kind of information this time around.

The green troll laughed imperiously and swung a kick at Blinky, who hadn't moved from where he had fallen. Blinky quickly rolled out of the way, and Dictatious's face contorted angrily when he missed, almost losing his balance. Knowing it was the wrong thing to do, but unable to resist, Blinky burst out laughing. His laughter died when Dictatious growled, "Soldier. Kick him, hard."

Pain spread through Blinky's chest and stomach, and he gasped for breath while trying to see past the dark spots clouding his vision. While Blinky was immobile, Dictatious kicked him in the knee, the same leg as his injured ankle. While his brother was close to him, Blinky took his chance; he punched the evil troll in the throat and ran for his life.

Unfortunately, Blinky only got a few yards away before the soldier caught him. It bound his arms and marched him back to Dictatious, who was smiling wickedly. "Oh dear Blinkous, haven't you learned that it does no good to run away? I, personally, am in a good mood; I was hoping to catch a troll tonight, and I got you! All you need to do is tell me the location of wherever you have been hiding the fugitive trolls, and I will graciously spare your life." Blinky spat in his face as a response.

Wiping his face and looking frustrated, Dictatious straightened up and shook his head. "Very well then. If you will not tell me, then I will leave you here to die when the sun comes up. I will return to see if you have changed your mind when given a little... encouragement. 

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