Chapter 2

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“Oh sorry I wasn’t paying attention”

“No worries- wait your name is (Y/N), right?”

“Sorry but do I know you?”

“Oh no I’m one of the nurses at your mother's nursing home”

Mother, I wonder how she is doing maybe I will visit her sometime soon

“We have not seen you in a while everything okay?”

“Oh, yes I just have been tied up with work and school” And with waiting for my mother to die-wait where did that come from?

“Well come visit sometime”

“Hmm I will but where are you going?”

“The nursing home”

“You know, I will visit her know, while I have time”

“I don’t see why not let's roll”

We walked and talked all the way there, I had just gotten off the phone with Naruto to let him know I was going to be late coming back he gave me the okay so I don’t get into trouble with Karma thank god.

“Looks like we made it”

“Good I won’t be too long I will say ‘hi’ grab her clothes and go”

The nurse whose name is David gave me a nod and followed close after I went inside

I wonder how I will kill mommy dearest-what no I don’t want to kill mom-Maybe I will cut her throat, or smother her with a pillow, or maybe I will switch her meds with poison-NO I AM NOT KILLING MOM!!!!, why am I even thinking like this!

I stood at the closed door that lead me to the wretched woman who beat me almost all my life okay here goes nothing...I guess with that I pushed open the door to be greeted with my mother laying in bed sound asleep So vulnerable I thought as I put her dirty clothes in a trash bag just as I was at the door a voice rang

“What a useless girl, what the hell took you so long to come and see your dear mother while she is in such a hell hole”

“Sorry for not coming as much you know I work and go to school I just haven’t had the time”

“Tch what are you studying for?, you are going to be nothing just like your father”


Something inside me broke

What is this feeling?, Why does it feels like I’m blacking out?- kill her- what the- kill her it’s easy just follow my lead

“Just follow my lead” I repeated to myself

“Are you still here you little mistake?”

“Sorry mother I will leave in a minute” I said as I closed and locked the door

“What are you doing?, open that door now” she said I just ignored her while I walked up to her slow with my heel clicking with every step till I am in front of her

“What the hell do you want?”

I said nothing as I took that thing off her finger that goes to the heart monitor I walk a few more steps to her roommate who is fast asleep and put the thing on her finger and went back to my mother

“The hell are you doing mistake?”

“Taking out the trash” I said as I pulled my scissors from my purse

“Stupid there is no trash to take out”

“Yes there is”


Maiden Murder (Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now