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Before reading the chapter please accept my sorry in advance🙏🙏🙏
Are you sure that you aren't having headache now.....We can call t
he doctor if you aren't getting rid of it.... ; asks ishwari concernly,placing her hand over Sonakshi's hand. Sonakshi chuckled alittle hearing her and assures her,gripping her hand on her',squeezing it lightly.

Maa you actually defines the true meaning of your name, *Ish-Worry*. You just need a tiny thing to worry about. Sona di is saying na that she is fine now. It's not her fever,you are the one who is being a headache for her....Give her,her alone time please. You are sitting on her head from the time she woke up..... ; Niki says hipping her hands in tiredness with *Why my mother keeps worrying so much* kind of look. Suppressing her growing laugh,sonakshi fakes a angry look at niki and nods in a big no to Ishwari,declining her claims.

Niki burst out in laughter seeing sonakshi's face,giving up infront of her earge of laughing,sonakshi too joins her and the entire room fills with the laugh. Ayaan who was silently witnessing all this,sitting on the bed beside sonakshi,started clapping his hands in happiness,seeing the beautiful ladies laughing crazily.

You little punk..You always make fun of your own mother. Let your father come home,I am going to complain him about you ; Ishwari scolds Niki,pulling her ear.

Auhhh........Sorry....Sorry......Maaa....It's hurting....Ok I won't say anything from now. Do whatever you want.Ok...Please leave me...... ; Niki says loudly,writhe in pain.

After satisfying herself by asking the same thing dozens times finally Ishwari left sonakshi's room along with Ayaan and niki. Though she requested Ishwari to leave ayaan with her but she royally ignored her request and took ayaan with her,leaving sonakshi alone in her room. Sleep was far away from her eyes, lying straight on her bed,she started counting the ceilings of her room.

Huffing in disappointment,she again sat back on her bed,when her eyes fell on her script which she brought with her to practice. Thinking it as a great help for killing her boredom,she grabbed it from the study table and started reading it. But to her utter dismay,her mind travelled back to the time and made her wander deep into her past.

This was the first time in Sonakshi's life that she got this much of love and care from others. Life has never been this much happy for her,she lost her parents in a toddler age that she don't even know how they looked. She had witnessed the cruelty of this world. It was her will to live that bring her out as a strong and introvert girl. Everybody knew her as a sweet,bubbly and bold person,the broken and fragile self of her' is buried deep down in her heart. She never believed in sharing her griefs with others,the sympathy in their eyes prick her heart.

Knock.Knock....... ; Ramnath knocked the door of sonakshi's room,seeing her busy in reading something.Probably the script of her play ; he thought to himself. Sonakshi who was lost in her own thoughts didn't heard the knock and kept thinking,flipping the pages of her script. Standing at the threshold of her room,Ramnath cleared his throat loudly to gain her attention. This broke the reverie of sonakshi,she snapped her head up to look at the source of it and finds Ramnath standing at the threshold with a warm smile.

Auhh...Uncle!!! Why are you standing outside please come na. You don't need to knock before coming....Sorry......I was just reading my script so didn't noticed you before...... ; Sonakshi blabbers guilty(ly). She didn't knew from how long Ramnath was standing there,waiting for her to come out of her own world to the reality.

Hope I ain't disturbing you....I just came few seconds ago so don't feel sorry ; Ramnath says softly,washing her baseless guilt away. Entering inside her room with a warm smile,he warmed Sonakshi's heart with a unknown warmth which gave peace to her heart. The fatherly affection he shows towards her,means alot to her. It fills the hollowness of her' which she always felt by not having her own parents.

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