Part 1: Introduction

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The jetway smelled of  new plastic and the pungent smell of combusted rocket fuel.  Stephen didn't notice.  This was the most memorable moment of his life.  The feelings of fear and excitement flooded his brain, making it hard to even focus.  He was living a dream.   A dream that until recently, he never thought would become reality. 

since he was a little boy, Stephen stared up at the stars in amazement.  the vast amount of unknown, hanging above him like an unsolved riddle, just begging to be solved.  he had made it his life purpose to study and analyze every square inch of observable space, in order to provide clarity for an uncharted science. While life had given him a brilliant mind, it made sure to even the score.  at the age of 21 he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral schlerosis. It slowly paralyzed him, confining him to a prison on wheels. Eventually even stealing his ability to speak.

"Dr. Dr. Hawking?" a voice pulled Stephen back to reality.  he had stopped his motorized wheelchair in the middle of the jetway. 

 he felt for his communication pad.  his fingers splaying out like spider legs.  the little bit of mobility he had.  pushing the directional joystick forward, he simultaneously typing out a message which was relayed by a robotic male voice- "I apologize Dr. Musk. lost in my own mind."  The two figures continued down the jetway in a slow but deliberate fashion, making their way towards a levered hatch door.

"Its a good thing we developed these new low profile suits." Dr. Musk remarked as he opened the hatch to the falcon X Ultra "fitting the old ones in your chair would have been impracticable." 

Elon Musk was the CEO of Tesla Inc., a company that led the way for electric automotive and renewable energy, as well as its sister company SpaceX.  SpaceX had redefined space travel over the past 20 years with Dr. Musk at the head of the bow.  Successfully privatizing space travel, Musk had made a public invitation to Mr. Hawking nearly 10 years ago.  inviting him to tag a long on an exploration in to space.

The invitation was obviously a marketing strategy.  Stephen didn't care.  At the age of 84, with his medical condition, he was lucky to be given the opportunity. the thought of this trip was what had kept him going the past 10 years.  The way he saw it, the trip was something everyone could benefit from.  Being the scientist he was, Stephen wasn't just taking a pointless field trip in to space.  He would be conducting a study on dark matter and its relationship to the big bang and creation of our universe.  if successful, these studies could potentially further our understanding of the multiverse.

The interior of Falcon X Ultra was marvelous.  A ship beyond even the imagination of sci-fi writers.  Its state of the art technology and sleek futuristic architecture a product of nearly 20 years of development.  its payload consisted of 3 levels.  The bottom level operated as an observatory/science lab, as well as the docking station for the exploration shuttle.  The middle story housed the scientists on board, providing 10 individual living pods and complete with a self managing hydroponic grow room.  The uppermost level was the command center, where the ship would be piloted by the crew.  All stories were accessed via a centrally located elevator.

Stephen followed Elon through the hatch, his hand trembling on the joystick.  The observatory was empty. all the equipment was locked and covered, ready for the turbulent ride through the atmosphere.  The lab was complete with everything he would need in his studies of dark matter.

 "We're roughly 50 minutes from lift off, the crew should be about done preparing the command center." Dr. Musk exclaimed.  Noticing Stephens shaking hands he added jokingly "not too late turn back now." 

 Stephen stopped his chair and turned it towards his fellow scientist beginning to tap on his communication pad "Do not mistake my excitement for fear Dr. Musk. this exploration is the culmination of my life work. I wouldn't miss it for the world," the robotic voice relayed, as Dr. Hawking turned his chair and boarded the elevator followed by his bi-pedal counterpart.  

 "you are a true hero Dr. Hawking, you work will benefit the human race in ways they will never know." Elon declared as the elevator shut.  Dr. Hawking missed the menacing grin on Dr. Musks face as the elevator ascended.

The elevator door opened to reveal busy scientists working at their stations.  A synthetic voice greeted the newcomers.  "Hello Dr. Musk and Dr. Hawking, welcome to Falcon X Ultra.  estimated 47 minutes to lift off. system readings are to specified parameters." Stephen turned his chair to face Dr. Musk.  "Artificial intelligence doctor? you are aware of where i stand on the subject".  Elon tried to hide a look of annoyance, "yes, you have made your opinion on the matter quite known.  I assure you though, that A.I.V.O.S, or the artificial intelligence voice operating system, is quite necessary for this operation".    "I would have to disagree," Stephen remarked to Elon, who pretending not to hear him, turned his attention to the crew.

The subject of artificial intelligence was a heated topic for the two scientists.  Elon saw it as the next great step for mankind.  A technology that could open doors in every field of science.  He had invested billions in a venture that was slowed by a lack of public support.  Dr. Hawking was a main cause of this public skepticism.  He feared that A.I. would lead to the destruction of the human race.  He was not shy to voice his opinion, using every platform he could to broadcast his stance on the matter.

"Ladies and gentleman, I would like to introduce the brains of the operation. the long awaited Dr. Stephen Hawking!" his introduction was met with a round of applause from the room as the scientists gathered for introductions.  Elon motioned towards the first approaching scientist, an athletically built man with blonde locks.  "this is our world renowned physicist Dr. Eobard Thawne." stephen turned to acknowledge the man, "I am familiar with your work Dr. Thawne, you're paper on the relativity of the speed of light and its potential for time travel was very impressive". Dr. Thawne blushed, "such a kind compliment from a scientist of your caliber Dr. Hawking." 

Elon beckoned towards the next in line, a fearless looking woman with jet black hair. "this is Dr. Halle Jordan, our aerospace engineer and pilot of the ship." Dr. Jordan curtsied as Dr. Hawking typed out a response, "tell me, how does one get in to the career of flying spaceships?" asked Stephen.  Dr. Jordan let out a confident laugh "i come from a family of pilots, its in my blood", she declared proudly.  Stephen was fond of the glowing optimism that she radiated. "well I believe we'll be in good hands with you at the controls."

Next in line was a slender man with short black hair, looking very nervous.  Dr. Musk put a hand on his shoulder "We cant forget our resident molecular scientist, Dr. Raymond Palmer".  Stephen quickly typed a response, "Dr. Palmer your studies on atomic variation have been groundbreaking. excited to be in good company." Dr. Palmer shot a nervous look to the ground "th-thank you doctor, my work is sh-shadowed by your great scientific achievements." Elon patted Dr. Palmer on the back "Ray here is afraid of flying if you can't tell."  Raymond struggled to form a broken smile "even with the advancements of safety in space-flight, I cant help but find the process unsettling."

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