Iris West (The Flash)

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Imagine: Iris went you offered to help Cisco learn more about the meta that you were tracking.

"We have to figure out how to hack the system hopefully they have something on the meta we're tracking

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"We have to figure out how to hack the system hopefully they have something on the meta we're tracking." Barry said, crossing him arms. Cisco nods and, he typed on the computer. You walk over to them and stared at Cisco's monitor.

"I can help." You smiled kindly.

Cisco chuckled and, swivels around in the computer chair. "Sure." Your brows furrowed. By the time of his voice Cisco was being sarcastic and, doubted you.

"Hacking is just one of the things that I learned on my earth." You frown when you noticed their expressions. By the looks of them they were just confused.

"Is that not common on your earth?" You questioned.

Iris laughed. "Girl, no, that is not common anywhere."

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