Chapter 18

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Present Day

When Timmy and the others returned to Dimmsdale, Timmy saw that he had a message from A.J. He raised an eyebrow as he listened to the voicemail.

A.J. said, "Listen Timmy, I need to talk to you. Alone. There is something going on and I have no idea what it is."

Timmy deleted the voicemail as he turned to his friends and stated, "Listen, you guys wait for me at our house. A.J. wants to talk to me alone."

Chloe raised an eyebrow as she questioned, "What on earth for?"

Timmy shrugged and modestly answered, "Not sure. I'll go find out and see you guys later."

"Okay brother." Chloe stated, as Timmy headed off.

Trixie asked Remy, "Why do you think A.J. wants to talk to Timmy?"

Remy answered, "I'm not sure. But I have a feeling he's gonna find out soon."

Trixie looked worried as she whispered, "Timmy..."

"He'll be fine." Remy reassured.

Trixie just nodded as they all headed to the Turner house.


At the Johnson house, A.J. was trying to figure out the nightmare he had. None of it made sense to him, especially the way Timmy was acting. It also reminded him of another nightmare he had been having lately. Something called the Darkness...

Just then, there was a knock at the door. A.J. went to answer the door, seeing Timmy standing there.

"Hey A.J. You called me?" Timmy greeted.

"Oh hey Timmy, come on in." A.J. insisted.

A.J. moved aside, allowing his brown haired friend to enter. Timmy entered the house as A.J. closed the door. A.J. motioned for Timmy to follow him, which he did. As they walked back to the lab, Timmy noted that A.J.'s parents were currently not present.

"Whatever you want to talk to me about must be pretty big if you want to be alone for this.. Your parents aren't even here." Timmy stated.

"Well, I don't want to worry them and I also think that your sister would know anything about this." A.J. replied modestly. The two entered A.J.'s lab as Timmy closed the lab door. He put on a serious face and added, "Lately, I've been having odd nightmares, dreams that I never expected."

Timmy raised an eyebrow as he bluffed, "And you think it has something to do with me? I hate to break it to you A.J. but I don't cause nightmares."

A.J. rolled his eyes a bit annoyed and responded, "Timmy, that's not what I meant. I mean you happen to start in both of these nightmares I have been having."

"Well, to be fair, I am the main character." Timmy mumbled, mostly to himself.

A.J. added, "Anyways, the first nightmare is the one I had last night. I see you bicycle riding, as a 21 year old man. You have been stuck in the fifth grade for years, acting like 11 years old."

Timmy paled, trying to hide it the best he could as he lied, "That's a bit much for me, don't ya think?"

A.J. ignored that quip as he stated, "And you were so distraught. Something happened between us on your fourteenth birthday. Yet, here we are, sixteen years old and still best friends."

"So what are you driving at?" Timmy asked, a bit worried at this point but he was trying to hide it.

He answered, "What I am driving at is that you had lost someone named Doc because of a stroke." Timmy paled further, gaining A.J.'s attention. He perked up at this and asked, "Timmy, what's wrong?"

"That's could you have known that...?" Timmy questioned, demanded almost.

A.J. was the one to pale now as he started to ask a thousand questions, "Wait, it is a real thing? This 'Doc' died from a stroke? Who's Doc? Who is he to you? Cause in that nightmare, he seemed to be a part of your family? And what about the Darkness? That's real too?"

Timmy sighed, getting on some sunglasses and got out a small gold tube. He hated to do this but he knew that he had no choice.

He stated, "A.J., all of the answers that you want are right here." As he said that, he pressed down the gold tube, which was the tube of Forgeticin. It made a flash of pink light, stunning A.J. and erasing his memories of the dreams and nightmares. Timmy put the Forgeticin away and took off his sunglasses. Timmy told A.J., "Okay. Those dreams that you have been having is more based on the fact you have been stressed out entering Harvard in two weeks. You have been worried that something will tear us apart, which is why you have been having those dreams. When I snap my fingers, you will be become aware."

When Timmy snapped his fingers, A.J. looked up at Timmy.

The genius of Dimmsdale apologized, "I'm sorry Timmy. I guess I should be calming down about this Harvard thing."

The pink hated teen waved his hand in front of his chest as he stated, "We all have been stressed out. You going to Harvard and meet Alicia there, Chester going to a college with a soccer scholarship, Tootie is going to the same college as Chester since she wants to stay close to her boyfriend, and with Chloe and I trying to figure out where to go next."

"Since you two are gonna be eighteen in two years, what are you gonna do?" A.J. questioned.

Timmy explained, "I figured we could leave Dimmsdale since we will be legal adults and to stay away with our parents. Maybe I can introduce her to my cousin in Amity Park, Danny Fenton."

"She would like that." A.J. agreed.

"I know she would." Timmy also agreed.

There was an awkward silence between them and before Timmy knew it, A.J. hugged him. Timmy returned the hug, trying not to cry.

"I'm gonna miss you guys..." A.J. commented, sniffling.

"I'm gonna miss you too, A.J." Timmy stated, trying to hold back his tears.

After staying for a few hours, playing on A.J.'s StationPlay, Timmy decided to head home. A.J. waved goodbye to his friend. Timmy waved back, his heart in turmoil. He thought, 'Why did A.J. have that dream? I thought I was the only one that had the fourth dimension sense? I don't get it... Maybe I should check on Doc soon.'


Wishmaker1028: There we have it! Chapter 18 is now finished. Hope you all enjoyed. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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