Chapter 17

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When Poof and Rose got to Homecoming, they saw that the school was decorated beautifully with multiple streamers and balloons. Marion had arrived early, wearing a brown suit with a white undershirt, a black tie and a silver skull tie clip, and brown dress shoes. Marion waved to both Poof and Rose, whom waved back.

"That's odd. I thought the minute he saw us, he would come ovwr and start being inconsiderate." Poof commented.

"Yeah so did I." Rose agreed.

Marion watched as some of the fairies were starting to come in. His mind was currently elsewhere as he thought of his visit to the Tooth Fairy Industries earlier that week.



Marion had walked to the door of Tooth Fairy Industries, hesitant to enter. Nina's words still rung in his ears.

"There is two men in my life I will ever consider to me a father to me. My Uncle Neo...and Jorgen Von Strangle. And for your information Mister 'Be a jerk to everyone he knows', your precious Tooth Fairy was having an affair with another magical being while she was still married to Jorgen!"

Marion shook it off the best he could. He still couldn't believe it. There was no reason she was lying to him. Nina would never lie to him, no matter how inconsiderate he was being. He decided to get some answers as he entered the factory.

He walked around for a bit before finally reaching Tooth Fairy's office. He knocked on the door as the door swung open a minute later. Marion was in complete shock as a little girl was there.

She was younger than Poof, about 2 years old in Earth years. She had her teal hair braided into pigtails, brown eyes, wearing a teal nightgown with fuzzy bunny slippers. In her hand was a small teal teddy bear. She had fairy wings, a crown, but no wand.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she stated, "You aren't Mommy..."

Marion kneeled down to her eye level and replied, "Well, no. I was looking for the Tooth Fairy."

The girl looked at him with tired eyes and asked, "You friend of Mommy's?"

Marion answered, unsure, "Uh yeah I guess so."

The girl opened the door to the office a bit more, letting Marion in. Marion walked into the office as the girl floated back to her teal bed. She laid down, covering herself with a blanket and cuddling her teddy bear.

Marion looked around carefully. He couldn't believe this. When did Tooth Fairy have a daughter? That's when the world around Marion came crashing down.

He found a picture. It was of Tooth Fairy, a man, and two kids. One of them was the girl in the office. The other was a boy. He had sandy brown hair, teal eyes, wearing a red short sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. He was a bit older than the girl but it was apparent he wasn't a fairy.

The man was about Nacey's age, had sandy brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a blue long sleeved jacket, a white undershirt, black jeans, and black sneakers.

Marion turned the picture around, not believing his eyes. On the back was writing. It read: 'Henry O'Connell, Phillip O'Connell, Tooth Fairy O'Connell, and Faith O'Connell. Family forever.'

Marion nearly dropped the frame. Henry O'Connell was the name of the man Nacey wanted to date but never did. Nacey had said that Henry wasn't her type.

Marion thought, 'So is what Nina said...true? Was Tooth Fairy really having an affair with someone she knew Nacey liked? Did she do that out of vengeance? She had to! That's too much of a coincidence for that to be true.' He put the picture back where he found it, leaving quietly so he wouldn't wake Faith.

-End of Flashback-

"Marion?" Jorgen asked, getting his attention.

Marion looked, seeing Jorgen and Nacey together. Jorgen was wearing a dark blue suit with a white undershirt and dark blue dress boots. Nacey was wearing a yellow short sleeved dress that clinged to her body beautifully and showed a bit of cleavage. She was also wearing yellow dress shoes.

"Are you alright Marion?" Nacey asked, a bit concerned.

Marion quickly lied, "Uh yes, I'm fine. Nina coming tonight?"

Nacey replied, "I asked her but she has a date with her boyfriend, Gus, tonight. So she went back to the island for the night."

Jorgen added, "And besides that, she would get rather bored here without her guy." Marion kept unusually quiet as he asked, placing a hand on Marion's shoulder, "Are you sure that you are okay?"

"Uh yeah I'm fine." Marion insisted. "You two have a good time."

Jorgen patted Marion's shoulder as he walked off with Nacey. Marion still had a thousand questions for Tooth Fairy but he had to apologize to Nina first. He thought, 'That is, if she will talk to me...after this, I wouldn't blame her.'

Foop and Anti-Rose arrived next as they were greeted by several fairy couples. Foop faked a smile as he floated to a far off table. Anti-Rose followed as they sat at the table.

Foop lowly growled, "Why I was playing so nice before?"

Anti-Rose whispered, "Because you were nothing but a fool."

Foop just glared at her. The music was loud and exciting as a lot of fairies danced. There were multiple chaperones, also having a good time.


As a slow song played a few hours later, Poof led Rose to the dance floor. They danced slowly and really closed to the other. Poof stopped dancing, looking at a confused Rose. That's when he leaned in shyly and kissed her. Rose returned the kiss, holding Poof close to her. Oh how she was in heaven.

Foop and Anti-Rose were trying not to gag at the sight. Jorgen and Nacey both smiled at them, happy for them. Marion just smiled.

Poof broke the kiss as he asked Rose, "Be my girlfriend?"

Rose teased, "I thought you would never ask."

Poof couldn't help a chuckle. He kissed his girlfriend yet again, happy beyond belief.


Wishmaker1028: There we have it folks! Chapter 17 is done! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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