Chapter 15

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The night of Homecoming came fast and before anyone knew it, the Saturday night finally came. Poof was fixing his tie, very nervously. Cosmo saw him. Poof looked at them, showing that he was wearing a sharp purple tuxedo, a white undershirt, a dark purple tie, and dress shoes. His hair was nicely done but he refused to take off Timmy's hat. Cosmo floated into the room with his son proudly, helping him with his tie. Poof watched his father in a silent awe, enjoying these rare moments of clarity.

"Dad...are you okay?" Poof finally asked, breaking the ice.

"Yes son...I'll be okay." Cosmo answered, kissing Poof's forehead.

"It's have been having a lot of moments of clarity. You never have this many in a row. Even on a good day." Poof stated, sounding concerned.

Cosmo waved his hand in front of his chest and replied, "Son...please. Let's not think about me tonight. Let's think about you and Rose, hmm? This is a big and frightening step. From best friends to potential courting each other..."

"You mean dating?" Poof asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, when your mother and I were your age, it was calling courting." Cosmo explained. He paused and added, "I used to ask if courting meant I would have to take her to a tennis court every date night."

Poof started to laugh, relaxing a bit as he stated, "That sounds more like you, Dad. The funny side, you know?"

Cosmo nodded and replied, smiling, "Your mother always did love my sense of humor." His face fell as he mumbled sadly, "So did your brother..." Poof took his father's arm rather gently, grabbing the green haired fairies attention. Cosmo smiled at him, slightly messing up his hair. Poof giggled as he fixed it up quickly. Cosmo whispered, "If Timmy could only see you now, Poof. He would be so proud of you."

"I miss him, Dad." Poof admitted sadly.

Cosmo pointed out, pulling on the hat a bit, "But he is still with us. Whenever the wind blows, I feel his presence. He meant a lot to all of us. He was our hope, our Chosen One." He placed his hand on Poof's shoulder as he added, "But now, we have our new hope. You have his brains, kiddo. You have his spark. Don't ever lose that."

"Dad..." Poof whispered softly, near tears.

"Don't ever loose him! You hear me?!" Cosmo started to wail a bit. "You keep him...with matter what happens to you..."

Poof didn't say anything word as he hugged his father tight. Cosmo returned the hug as the two of them started to cry.


Meanwhile with the girls and Sparky, Rose was putting on her beautiful rose gloves. She was wearing a beautiful long sparkling rose dress. She had a white shawl on along with white dress shoes.

Sparky breathed, "Wow Rose, you look beautiful!"

Rose turned him and stated, "Thanks Sparky. I'm just really nervous about tonight..."

Wanda slightly teased, "Is that why you have been tucking your hair back behind your ear?"

Rose denied, ""

Just as she denied it, she tucked her hair behind her ear nervously. Sparky couldn't help but chuckle.

"Dang, she is really nervous, isn't she?" Sparky asked.

Wanda flew over to Rose, fixed her hair, and stated, "Sweetie, there's no need to be so nervous. Everything will be okay."

Rose replied, "I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help it..."

Sparky commented, "You need to relax."

Wanda added, "I agree with Sparky. You do need to relax. This night will be fun, don't you see?"

Rose nodded as she put on her rose lipstick. She put it on very carefully, her mind running at 88 miles per hour. That's when a thought crossed her mind.

"D - do you think my Mom and Dad would be proud of me?" She asked suddenly.

Wanda looked at her a bit confused as she answered, with a question of her own, "Honey, what brought this on?"

Sparky looked on curiously as Rose nervously tucked her hair back behind her ear again. Wanda frowned a bit and before she could ask, she heard Rose's voice cracking.

"I j - just want them to be proud of me...that's all I ever wanted..." Rose admitted.

"Oh Rose..." Wanda whispered.

It was so odd how this broken little fairy girl reminded her so much of... Before surrendering to her tears, she wrapped Rose into a tight hug. Rose returned it, near tears herself. She started to cry on Wanda's chest. Wanda held her close, trying not to cry herself. Rose was so much like Timmy...looking for his parent's approval when others knew that he, no, she would never get it.

It broke her heart to see Rose this way. It broke her heart to see Timmy that way. He loved the first time she had ever called him 'Sport'. But before he had gone missing, the word had become less magical and more important to him. It was because he craved...more than anything else...the love and attention from a mother figure.

And it killed Wanda so that she could never again call Timmy 'Sport'.


Anti-Rose rolled her eyes as she felt the feelings of her fairy counterpart. She was about to complain that Rose needed to get over that when she saw Foop out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head as she saw him. He was wearing a handsome dark purple tuxedo and had the sleeves of the jacket rolled up to show off his blue arms.

Anti-Rose blushed as Foop got a good look at her. She was wearing a dark rose dress that left very little to the imagination, a black shawl, and black dress shoes. Foop was the one to blush now as he gave her a bouquet of dead blue roses. Anti-Rose smiled, taking the flowers from Foop.

"That was not necessary..." She told him.

He confessed, "I...wanted to. You are the real reason I'm anti-fairy commander now. You are my reason to live now."

"Someone had to push you in the right direction." Anti-Rose slightly teased.

Foop teased right back, "Watch out or I will push you."

Anti-Rose laughed a bit, out of having fun and not out of evil. It was hard for her wrap her mind around the fact that her future boyfriend was now, technically, her boss. She allowed him to take her hand and the two headed out for their big performance.


Wishmaker1028: Well this is getting good! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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