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(What the — surely that can't be her?) Karma muttered to himself. (I'm probably just hallucinating. In my state that's very likely.) He concluded.

"Someone help me!" The voice yelled again. (Okay. That's 100% Kayano.) Karma thought grimly.  He stood up slowly, ignoring the pain that was flooding through his body like a tsunami.

(But what is she doing in our basement?) he questioned himself. (No matter, let's check it out.) he answered.

Karma limped out of the room and to the basement stairs. He flicked on the lights, and started walking down them.


Hiromoto Akabane (A/N: the guy we probably all want to run screaming at with pitchforks and knives because of what, technically I, made him do to Karma) pounded his desk with his fist in blind rage.

"That stupid brat! I should've finished him when I had the chance." He exclaimed fuming, his eyes not leaving the computer screens.

He followed his son's movements form the basement corridors on the hidden CCTV cameras. He watched Karma manoeuvre around corners in increasing interest. Karma narrowly avoided one of his fathers security guards.

The teenage boy decided that it was too risky to continue snooping with the way his body was at the moment, and retreated into the main house, unaware of the security recorders that were following his every move and feeding them right back to his Father.

With a growl, Hiromoto switched off the cameras and logged onto the computer.

Accessing a secret webpage, he found a list of the most highly recommended new assassins and hitmen out there. He picked one, and with the corners of his lips twitched up in a grin he dialed the number.

"Hello. Is this Nagisa Shiota?"

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