; Can I Trust You ?

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I was walking down the school hallway. Dang I Hate This Place, I already Have A hard time living on my own but now people here talking about me & Bullying me all cause of an mishap I couldn't control. My thoughts were interrupted by the snickers & laughs of people. All I heard was "Eww She's A Slut", "She Need To Learn To Keep Her Legs Closed". I Finally got to my locker , I grabbed everything I needed for class. As I was Leaving my locker I was approached by Le'Ana. I Couldn't stand this girl. She came up to me with her boyfriend Roc. Yes Roc Royal, & Her friends. Crystal ,Ray, Ce'Ana , Prod , Jailynn &Prince.

"Out Of My Way Slut" Le'Ana Said with a smirk on her face.

I looked away and kept walking minding my own business, but she turned a walked my way. Man can't she just leave me alone.

"Respond To Me ,When I'm Talking To You" Le'Ana Said.

"Can't You Just Leave Me Alone" I said

"Why Should I " Le'Ana Said Being Sarcastic.

"I Already Go Through Enough, Your Bull Is The Last Thing I Want To Put Up With" I said looking away , so they couldn't see the tears forming in my eyes.

"Listen Trick, I don't give a loving damn about what your going through, If you would've kept your ugly ass legs closed maybe all of this never would've happened to you. Its not my fault your a hoe." Le'Ana said.

( A/N - Sorry for all the cursing, but the story will have some strong language . Just a heads up.)

With that I left , I couldn't take it I ran to the library ,I knew no one would be in there only the librarian but she's probably in her office.

I ran in the library , I went to back and sat in a corner. I pulled my legs up to my chest & started sobbing uncontrollably . It Wasn't My Fault I Was Raped.

That's When I Heard A Voice Call Out My Name.


(Roc's Pov)

What Le'Ana Said To Kaylen Was Pretty Harsh. I seen Kaylen ran off , she seemed pretty upset. I had an urge to go check on her but I knew Le'Ana wouldn't allow me. I made up an excuse and told her I wanted to get to class early. She didn't believe me .

"Roc , Don't Go After Her She's Just A Hoe" Le'Ana Said.

I Knew Dang Well Kaylen wasn't  a hoe , before she got pregnant she was always quiet, and shy.There is no way she was going around getting laid. She was to secure to be doing that. There HAS to be a reason or another way she got pregnant cause im pretty sure that wasn't her decision.

"I'm not, I Really am trying to pick my grades up, So I'm Changing a little ,  Imma start going to class early" I said. Man I'm a good liar.

"Ugh Okay Roc" Le'Ana sighed.

"Bye Babe" I said while kissing her on the cheek.

And with that I turned the other way and walked to the library. When I entered I heard someone sobbing. I knew it was Kaylen , Well at least I think it is.To make sure I called her name.

"Kaylen" I said .

"Go Away."  She said mumbling , but loud enough for me to hear her.

I walked around the library to see where she was at . After a minute or two I found her. I felt bad for actually.


"Didn't I say Go away, What part of that don't you understand"

"I'm Only Here To Try To Help"

"Help really? Shouldn't you be out there with you rag doll uh um I mean girlfriend"

I chuckled at the sound of Kaylen calling Le'Ana a rag doll.

"Nah She'll Be Fine, Now come on tell me whats wrong"

"Why would I tell you, You'll Probably just go tell Le'Ana & Your friends and it would give everyone else another reason to tease/talk about me"

Com'on I'm not like that trust me, Le'Ana may stoop that low but I'm not Le'Ana , I won't.

(Kaylen's Pov)

Roc Actually Sounded sincere when he said that?

Should I open to him? Should I trust him ?


End Of Chapter One! Hope you enjoyed it.

I didn't re-read it so sorry for any mistakes.

Also I'm sorry for the shortness! It'll be longer next time!

I want at least 50-100 reads before I post the next chapter!

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~Imari ♥

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