Ch 3 A great start

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Raito was happily sleeping in a very comfortable bed before being told to wake up over and over.

"Hey! Wake up already!" A female voice shouted.

"Alright, alright! Jeez..." Raito groaned as he sluggishly dragged himself out of bed.

"Morning! I prepared your clothes for you and breakfast will be waffles so hurry up sleepyhead!" A woman maybe not even in her twenty's with pink puffy hair and way to much energy rushed out of the room.

Raito was looking forward to those waffles but... He really didn't want to get up... "Guess I don't really have a choice..." He sighed before getting a shower and got changed before heading upstairs.
"That smells good..." Raito's mouth began to water.

"Good morning master. Hope you slept well." Another feminine voice said this time a more mature woman but still proberly not even in her twenty's she had green hair, green wings and a tail.
"Master Narga is waiting for you in the dining room."

"Thank you." Raito said politely before walking in the dining room.

Snake was in a business suit and was sitting on a chair at the centre of table with a dark aura boosted by his intense red eyes and black hair.

"Morning Raito, hope you've been well." Snake said in a polite tone. "Have you been enjoying the new house?"

"Its great but I hope it didn't cost you to much. Also was the staff really needed? I can take care of myself..." Raito got a little quiet at the end as he sat across from him.

"I know but they make life way easier! And it didn't cost that much... Ok maybe a bit but I've just developed some new technology that will make it all back in a day. Its called shadow gas, it makes everything that breathes it in faster and stronger... At a cost, it differs from person to person the worst after affect we had so far was something we called shadow blight, it makes you practically blind to even slightly dark rooms and sometimes colour blind again its different from person to person although nine out of ten people get some sort of shadow blight." Snake explained.

"So how long does shadow blight last?" Raito asked.

"From 10 seconds to 3 minutes the worse it is the faster it wares off... Usually." Snake was shaking his hand to show its random.

"So is there a cure or will I just have to fight through it?" Raito asked.

"So far no cure but we only got it to work to where it is a week ago and we can't figure out what causes it..." Snake explained as they was handed food.
"I like these little talks, brings back memory's... Remember our first working invention?"

"The thunder claws?" Raito asked after thinking hard.

"Yep! Could transfer your energy into gloves that became seemingly lighter then air when charged. I put them on your suit I also put some shadow gas, a few prototype gases nothing that will kill you but remember to tell me how they went after, armor that work like the claws and a weapon that uses your charge to defy gravity its weird it just floats like a cloud or bubble. If you have any problems with your gear just tell me ok?" Snake gave a smile as he stood up and began to leave. "I'll see you in the gaming room after school."

"Thanks for the gear!... Wait gaming room?" Raito still hadn't actually looked around yet so he didn't know what everything looked like.

"Master I will drive you to school if you like?" The green haired maid asked.

"Alright where is the car?" Raito asked leaving the room.

"Its on the bottom floor, follow me." She walked down some modern looking stairs and opened a door that looked like an elevator door but normal sized and well... A door.

"What..." Raito was speechless when he saw the garage... Well it was more like a hanger or car park.

"Would you like to choose a car or take a limo sir?" She asked in a polite tone but she seemed almost as happy to drive epic cars as Raito.

"Hmm... I've always wanted a... Bingo! I'll take this one!" Raito's favorite car may not have been the most expensive but he liked it. The car he chose was a muscle car it was white with a black stripe it had a spoiler, chrome wheels, limo style windows, custom bumper both back and front, custom skirts, white neon and super comfortable seats.

Raito, Summoner of Lightning Where stories live. Discover now