Ch 7 A monster headache

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Raito woke up in his bed with a bad headache and an even worse hunger.

"Hungry and a headache... What even happened yesterday..." Raito muttered as he got dressed and headed upstairs.

"Mornin' master!" A feminine voice hummed while cooking breakfast, eggs, bacon, toast and sausages.

"That smells amazing!" Raito's mouth began to water as he sat on a sofa.

"Quite the day you had yesterday!" Snake laughed behind him.

"I honestly don't remember a thing..." Raito groaned while rubbing his head.

"Maybe this will jog your memory?" Snake said as he passed him a large yellow scale.

"Hmm... Nope. What scale is this even from? Its huge! Is it metal? Its definitely solid enough." Raito ranted.

"Slow down there. The scale is from you." Snake told him.

"What?... That doesn't make sense." Raito frowned and they went into the dining room to get breakfast.

After they ate they carried on talking. "So I imagine you still don't remember?" Snake got the shake of a head from Raito. "Alright... Basically..."
(I bet you don't want me to rewrite last chapter so I'll skip.)

"So... I turned into a giant wolf thing?" Raito asked still taking it all in.

"Yeah. As much as I would like to continue this you need to go to school. I'll take you... I'm way faster." Snake smirked.

"Only because you break space and time..." Raito muttered also smirking.

The ride to school was even faster then before and Raito ended up getting in quite early.

This place is quite spooky when empty..." Raito thought as he walked through the halls. "Did I really turn into that thing?" Raito thought as he looked at a selfie of Snake about to get punched by a blue and yellow wolf thing and a text saying "about to get slammed by a wyvern, better take a selfie!" Raito snickered at this.

"Hello Fulgur." A cool voice greeted and Raito turned to see the boy with the tail quirk.

"Hello...umm." Raito tried to remember his name to no prevail.

"Ojiro." They added.

"Ojiro, sorry, should have remembered..." Raito muttered.

"Don't worry about it. You did a good job yesterday in training." Ojiro complemented.

"Heh heh, thanks..." Raito rubbed the back of his head.
"So, what's your quirk like?"

"It took a lot of training to how I can control it now and it still has a long way to go..." Ojiro discussed as they took there seats.

"I think you did quite well with it but I see what you mean, I've seen very few with tail quirks but the most experienced I've seen was pretty impressive, he could lift a car!" Raito smiled remembering back.

"Well what's your quirk like?" Ojiro asked.

"Kinda complicated... I'm still learning now, like just yesterday I turned into this!" Raito showed him the picture. "The guy taking the picture is my cousin, his business makes hero gear and made a few costumes for this class."

"How come I haven't heard of him yet?" Ojiro asked.

"He develops a lot of government stuff and it wouldn't be very safe for him if villains knew who he was." Raito explained.

Raito, Summoner of Lightning Where stories live. Discover now