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© Picture from google Images

© Jinn belongs to sws-sisters

© Aisha belongs to sws-sisters

© Cuphead belongs to StudioMDHR

© Story belongs to me

Enjoy!!! And I don't regret any of this being stereotypical.

You ever dropped a computer's tower on your big toe and it hurt like a motherf***er? You ever faint after seeing the blood? I sure didn't when I did that to my sister, accidentally. Well, the pain is nothing to the agonizing and blood-squelching scream that comes afterwards. Now imagine you're only 13, going on 14 and you're fast asleep, cuddled underneath that warm blanket on a wet Spring morning, and after 4 hours of finding that perfect sleeping position you get this wet sensation running warmly down your inner thigh. You jolt awake wondering did you actually, a 13 year old, pee the bed?! Pulling the blankets hastily off, you are horrified to see a generous spot of blood between your legs, dry blood cakes your inner thighs, and not to mention your favorite sheets are ruined. But the only thing that escapes your mouth is a blood-curdling scream.

2 minutes go by after that initial sound and you hear you family rush in trying to destroy whoever tried laying a finger on you. After finding no possible criminal, most of the casino crew grumbles and sluggishly march back to their rooms, while your father, Jinn, King Dice, your brothers, Aisha and Mr. Wheezy stayed, all giving sour faces and/or glares at you. You covered yourself with the blanket when they busted in so they had no clue as to what really caused the scream, but your father was about to find out. "What the Hell, were you screaming about Y/n?! You woke the entire casino up!" He grumbled sitting at your feet on the bed. As you were about to speak you felt a warm liquid escape from your entrance making you ball up your face and shiver. "What's the matter with you, sis? Why ya makin' that face for?" Cuphead slurred still half asleep leaning against Mugman. Too embarrassed to say it out loud, Y/n beckoned her father closer to hear her fear. She cupped his ear and whispered, "Dad, I think I'm dying." Her words trembled.

The Devil pulled away quickly giving a once over at his daughter and found no physical harms to her. But his nose caught something. "What the hell is that smell?!" He said grasping his nose. Everyone else didn't really understand what their boss was talking about. Even the boys couldn't catch the scent their father was detecting. Y/n began to cry, "Dad, that's my blood, see", and she pulls the cover back showing the growing circle of blood at her lower regions, "I told you I'm dying, I don't want to die?!" Y/n cried harder. Well, awoke everyone in the room. All the males in the room only stared, until they were ushered out the room by Aisha and Jinn, none too politely either. After closing and locking the door, Aisha ushered Y/n to her private bathroom, while Jinn set to making the bed. In the bathroom, Aisha showed Y/n the proper way to clean and freshen herself up and proceeded to leave the room giving Y/n some privacy.

While Y/n was busy cleaning up, Aisha raced to her room to grab some (Pads/Tampons/Cups) and back to Y/n's room before Mr.Wheezy could stop and ask about Y/n. Jinn, after fixing the bed, set a pair of clean clothes out and sat on Y/n's bed with Aisha going over how to talk with her about this very life-changing and sort-of-sensitive subject.

5 mins later and Y/n emerges feeling quite better than early in a towel. As Y/n was putting on her clean underwear, Aisha stopped her telling her she would have to put one of these "luxury" products on. After showing her how to put it on and putting on her clothes. Aisha and Jinn had her sit down on the bed and began explaining the birds and the bees and what the Menstruation process.

*We'll skip that part*

"So, now do you understand?" Aisha asked slowly not wanting to fry Y/n's brain, as if they already haven't. "Yeah, but does this have to happen every month until I'm 50?" she asked. "Sadly kid yes." Jinn answered this time. Y/n flopped back onto her bed in exasperation. "Don't worry sweetheart, everything will get better. You now officially a woman." Aisha said trying to lighten the mood. "But I thought I was already a woman?" Y/n asked very confused. "What Aisha means is that you have now stepped into the realm of becoming a real woman." Jinn tried to explain. "Oh, ok, so i just have to wait about a week until this go over?" Y/n asked hopeful. "Yep." Both women answered.

Let's see how this week goes:


"Cuphead! I said Pistachio ice cream not Mint?!" Y/n cried laying on her bed hugging her pillow. "This is the seventh time you changed the flavor will you just eat this shit and leave me alone?!" He said throwing the ice cream down storming/stomping out of the room. "Cuphead, I'm sorry, she took a scoop of the mint, "Mmh this is really good."


"Hey Derek, glad you could visit, want to have some fun?" A clouded-over eyed Y/n said straddling her childhood friend. Said friend, Derek kept his hands at his side. 'Today was a terrible plan to come visit her.' He thought nervously. Slowly moving his hands to her waist to move her off him, but instead she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him to her bed, before anything could escalate, King Dice came in to give Y/n the two pills of (Tylenol/Advil/Aleve/Ibuprofen) To catch them both in a suggestive position. He speed walked over to a blushing Derek and sweating Y/n to pull them apart and kick Derek out. He turned towards Y/n to find her passed out on the bed. He only sighs placing the pills and a cup of water on her bedside table before closing the door. Outside the King suggested that Derek stays away for the rest of the week, to which Derek only nods an affirmative and speeds down the corridor.


Jinn was spending her entire day with a cramp-induced Y/n. Rubbing her back and fluffing her pillows underneath her. They stayed in her room the whole day watching the Transformers: Prime reruns and Robots in Disguise. "Jinn could you rub my belly?" Y/n rolled over exposing her belly. "Sure, Y/n." Jinn rubbed circles on her lower abdominal. "Ah, my stomach feels so much better." Y/n sighed in relief. Jinn could only laugh at Y/n's actions.


"Mugs, can I sleep with you?" Y/n snuck into her brother's room that night since her body deemed her room too chilly to sleep in. "Ugh, sis, it's 3:20 in the morning. What's up?" He croggilly sat up. "My room's too cold, but yours is warm, please just this night." she begged. Uh, fine, just this time." He scoots over, pulling the blankets up for her to climb in. They both fell asleep just like that, in the morning anyone that found them before they awoke, could see brother and sister cuddled into each other, Mugs had a protective hand on his sister's head. While Y/n held tightly to his shirt as if a life line. A brother and sister bond could only be strengthen by the time and experiences over time.


Y/n was just having a depressing/tired day. So the best way to fix that she thought was to be coddled by her dad. So here she was cuddling into his soft fur on his lap like she did when she was small. The Devil was looking over contracts in his office as he held his little girl with one arm. His glasses on looking at the fine print. While King Dice stood nearby in case he or Y/n needed anything.


Today was fairly normal, no mood-swings, cravings, sickness, or cramps. It was almost like Y/n never had a period. Well whatever tea Ms. Judes gave her. She and Y/n were currently in the breakroom for the workers, it was about 3 years since Ms. Judes came to visit the Casino. When she heard that Y/n had started into her role of becoming a woman she raced out to get a special herb for some tea, that is said to have special healing/relieving properties. The only other two in there were Mangosteen and Chips Bettigan. Both having a quiet conversation over in the other corner. Both learned earlier that week that Y/n wasn't a fan of loud noises when on her period, and man did she give them hell for their obnoxious noises. By the end of her punishment, they both walked away hating maple syrup and walnuts. "So, Y/n how have your studies been going?" She asked after a sip. "Oh there doing fine, High school isn't everything those magazines say they are. Not as many girls dress like how they show them in the ads." She another sip from her cup. "Hehe, yeah well tht's how they get you guys to buy their stuff, don't be so believing, they are actually child actors/actresses and models." She stated. "Ah, oh well." they both took a long sip of tea and sighed in content.


"We're free, no more ridiculous shopping, no more cold night, no more cramps." The three siblings celebrated. Both brothers turned towards their sister and looked at her smirking. "What?! I have the right to celebrate the end of my pain, that was no joke." She stated huffing and folding her hands. Both brothers cracked up laughing ruffling their sister's hair. "Stop it, my hair has to be perfect for tomorrow when i go back." she shooed their hands away. "Well, if you really want to celebrate, how about a monster movie night marathon?" Cuphead suggested. "I'll buy the pizza" Mugman offered. "I'll buy the snacks." Y/n volunteered. "I guess that makes me in charge of the movie." Cuphead laughed. "And the Drinks, I said snacks, not drinks." Y/n smirked. "Ugh fine." Cuphead playfully grumbled. The three walked off to Cuphead's room where the movie was going to take place. 

Cuphead Demon AU: Brothers Cuphead and Mugman x Baby! Sister! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now