[1] First Impressions

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Hi! I'm dedicating this chapter to my special Kuya H! Coz he still wants to support my new story, "Please Don't Forget" even when I cancelled my first story which he was also supporting. Loveya Kuya H! :D 

 -Bela ♥


Please Don't Forget

Zendaya Joleen Welson

It's hard to try to remember someone you can't remember perfectly. I cried at Titanic because I know how it feels to not have a single picture of someone you should never forget. It gets harder and harder everyday because little by little, their image in your mind slowly fades. Until you can only remember residues of their faces from the past. You'll start to forget the little things that they've done, how their voices sound like, and how they look.

I fell in love with a boy named Eros when I was young. He was 9 years old and I was 8 when my family moved to St. Yorker's street. I could say that I was in love. He was my very first one.

We met coz my younger brother Zion was one of his friends. They would always play right outside our small house's gates. And the moment I saw his face, I felt my heart literally skip a beat. His tall figure was standing in front of our gate waiting for my brother. He had melting brown eyes that wants to hide under his bushy dark brown eyebrows that is partly covered by his thick and brown hair that falls carefully on his light face. He had this straight nose and lips that are perfectly aligned. His lips were wet with his saliva which showed the color of light pink. I could see that it had a Cupid's Bow kind of structure.

"May I help you?" I asked him still waiting for my daydream's residue to fade out.

"Yes, is Zion here?" he asked smiling.

"Mhm. Just preparing his toys."

I opened the gate and gestured for him to come in. And he did. 1 point.

"Please, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable." I said sitting down almost next to him at our round table under a huge umbrella.

"Thanks." he sat under it too.

"When did you move in here?" he asked looking around.

"Just 2 months ago. Surprising how my brother already has friends."

"Yeah, he's quite friendly."

"Not to mention, 6 years old." I said with a slight laugh that made him smile.

"Yeah, but he's alright."

I looked down at the shirt he's wearing. Striped green and white polo shirt with beach shorts that are plain white that came down his mid knee section. He came here with a box which I think has toys in it. Boy toys anyway.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Zendaya. But my family calls me Zenzen." I said my nickname shyly.

"Zenzen huh? I'm Eros by the way."

"It's nice to meet you, Eros."

"It's nice to meet you too Zenzen." I blushed.

Just moments later, my brother Zion came running out from our front door with his box of toys with him. Looking as sweaty as ever wearing only a plain white sando, blue shorts and slippers.

"Oh! You're here. Don't worry, I got everything we need." he smiled successfully.


"Come on then! Zenzen, I'll be at their house okay? It's the red one at the end of the left side of the street." he said pointing his left hand at the left.

"How would I know it would be it?"

"Their house has a big white car parked right in front of it and a brown one parked inside."

"Okay. What time will I pick you up?"

"I can go home by myself. It's a small street, you know?" he said then walked out the gate with his toy box in his hand.

"Don't worry he's in good hands." Eros said smiling then stood up from his chair and picked up his box and walked to the gate leaving me.

I stood up to close the gate behind them. The annoying squeaking sound of the gate met my ears and they nearly stung. I lifted the handle and slid it to close the gate. I watched my brother and Eros walk off laughing.

"Be home early!" I yelled to Zion.

"Yeah! I know!"

I rolled my eyes at the thought of my brother making more friends than I did in just 2 months of living here in this street. I sat back into my seat and lifted my magazine right to my face and started reading it. Honestly, I don't really read magazines. I look at the pictures and study them. Hey, I was an 8 year oild girl before. Remember?

After an hour or so, I went inside and checked the clock. 2:34pm. Zion must've left by 1:30. I went to my parents room, and slowly opened the old door that is slightly eaten by parasites. My parents should really get this house fixed. They're both snuggled up in their blankets sleeping. I closed the door to my parents bedroom and hurried to mine and Zion's bedroom. It had 2 single beds. One for me and one for Zion. Zion's part of the room was 'decorated' in posters of cars and his ugly handwritings all over the dirty, old painted wall. However, mine was clean and full of stuffed animals and stuffed cartoon characters. I ran to my bed and lied down facing the dirty ceiling that needs cleaning.

Dear Diary,

I'm tired and stressed. I hope Zion didn't forget to ask for dad's permission. Hm, Eros looks so cute. He seems nice too. I hope I came across just right.



Hi there! :) So, this is my newest story. Did you like it? Hope you did. Vote, comment & follow! xx

-Bela ♥

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