[4] Quarrels

20 3 2

Zendaya Joleen Welson

I'm still in the abandoned old house in our street and it's been half an hour since the rebels left me here to look for prince Eros. What in the world is taking them so long?! I can barely see in this house. It's old, dark and dusty. Now, all I'm trying to do is to not panic or think of anything bad or scary that might happen any minute now.

Breathe. Breathe, Breathe. Panic? No! Breathe. Breathe! Lungs, why can't you just breathe!?


I looked around to see if anyone is inside the house or if anyone is calling me.


I tried to ignore it. Tried hard.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Who's knocking? There isn't even a single door in this old abandoned house. Oh gosh. No, it's nothing. It's probably just a nearby neighbor using a hammer to fix their old door or their homemade swingset. Yeah.

Control yourself. Don't panic. Breathe. Just keep breathing. Breathe.

*Knock Knock Knock*

There it is again!

This time, my pulse rate doubled. And I could really hear my heart beating in my ears. My stomach is starting to flip and my hands are balling up into a fist. Not a fist for defense, a fist because of fear.


"Whoever or whatever you are, don't come anywhere near me!" I shouted which made the empty house echo. Then I heard footsteps. Footsteps that are now getting louder.

"I'm warning you! Stop!" I yelled trying hard not to cry there and then. Although I can feel little beads of water starting to form in my eyes. I tried to blink them back but instead, they fell. Fell onto my dry cheeks like they were racing down a hill and then stopped on the bottom of my chin as if they were gasping for air. I sighed with relief when the footsteps stopped.

I shook my head. It must've just been me. It's all in my head since the rebels have left me here all alone in an hour. Those little boogers! They'll pay for this.

After a minute or so, the footsteps never came back and the knocking completely stopped. I was very relieved.

Then, I felt a really tight pair of hands against my lips. Actually, my face. My eyes doubled their size as I started to shake off the hands on my face. Instead, he came face to face with me. He went to my front and was holding out his index finger to his lips the whole time.

He untied the rope tied around my feet then the rope tied around my hands that are at the back of the chair. After he untied me, I felt really relaxed. He held on to my hand and started to pull me to the back of the old house. Just as we were hidden, I stopped him in his tracks.

"What took you so long?!" I whisper-shouted.

"Well, they were guarding you."

"Yeah, an hour ago they were."

"I know, I'm sorry but we had to hide too."

I just rolled my eyes and he nodded knowing that I didn't want to talk anymore. Later, still holding my hand, he pulled me to the sidewalk.

"Try bending a little bit so they won't see you." he said leading the way towards our house. Or erm, castle. Just when we got to the castle without being spotted, the 2 little boys. I mean, knights, locked the gates. Careful not to make much sound with the gate.

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