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          "Everyone, eyes peeled. We're in grounder territory." Bellamy directed as we ventured out into a piece of the ground that we had never been to. He was right behind Finn and Murphy groaned.

      "Everything is grounder territory, all-right? I can't keep running." He breathed out heavily, his chest heaving as he stopped. "We don't even know if the guy Finn killed is telling the truth." He added and I nodded faintly.

        "He's got a point. I mean we're trusting a dead man. Who's life was being threatened." I muttered but Finn turned quickly. 

       "Keep moving." Finn stated firmly, grabbing Murphy's shoulder tightly. As soon as he was pulled, I stepped forward and brushed Finn's hand off of him. "Give him a minute." Bellamy and I spoke at the same time, causing me to glance at him. 

      "No, we can't. You heard what that grounder said: 'They'll outlive their usefulness." He stated and Bellamy sighed heavily.

       "I heard what he said when you had a gun to his head, Finn." He replied with a tight frown. My mind flashed back to the bunker where Finn shot him and how emotionless he looked at the grounder.

        "Look, you think I wanted to do that? He would've told his people we're coming. By the time we got there, our people would be dead. Your brother included, Spencer. Or do you not care about him anymore?" He snapped and I scoffed.

       "Of course I care Finn. But that does not mean that the grounder was telling you the truth. Look. We'll find out if he was lying or not when we get there, okay?" I glanced between them and the boys all sighed heavily. 

       "Look. I get you think you did what you had to do but you are not yourself right now and I can't be out here with another loose canon." Bellamy spoke quickly. "You guys." Monroe muttered, grabbing our attention.

        There were bodies on the ground and I swallowed thickly, slowly walking towards them. "Spencer be careful." Bellamy spoke and I held my hand up, peering over the tall grass.

         My hand grabbed the shoulder and rolled it over to the face being melted and I gasped, stepping back quickly. "Oh my god." I mumbled quietly, rubbing my hand over my pants. Bellamy put his arm in front of me as I let out a shaky breath.

        As we walked through the people, I reached down gently and checked for a pulse from each of them, and there was none. "Are they all...?" Murphy asked and I nodded faintly before following the others quietly.

       "Where the hell did they come from?" Murphy asked and Bellamy answered. "From the ark." He stated and I pursed my lips.

     These were our people. People that came down to earth expecting to live their lives without fear of death, crime and strict rationing. Yet here they all were. Dead on the ground. Their bodies in pieces.

       "They just wanted to live in freedom." I whispered and Bellamy glanced at me with a faint frown.

      A buzz went past my ear and I swatted it away before following in suit behind the boys and Monroe.      

        "There's nothing what we can do for these people." Bellamy stated and I turned. "Bell." I muttered, furrowing my brows quickly. 

      "We'll come back." He assured and I swallowed thickly before nodding slightly. "Okay." Bellamy gestured for us to walk away before a woman's wail came from the side of the cliff.

      "Did you hear that?" Murphy asked quickly, walking over to the side. "Hey, hey someone's down there." Monroe stated and I glanced between them. "We have to help her." I stated but Finn shook his head, pulling Bellamy and I to the side.

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