My 1D Love (1D fanfic)

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The sun beats down on my shoulders as I stroll through the park on a sunny day. I'm sporting my favorite pastel yellow shorts along with a cute floral tank and black and white converse. I look up and notice a group of about five girls coming down the block looking very excited-almost as if they have seen Harry Potter fly over us on a broom stick. They stop and for a second I wonder if Harry Potter is really in our midst. Silly me Harry Potter live in England... Sadly not in California like me. But then I forced myself to come back to reality, weirdly enough these once VERY happy girls are now fuming in my direction... Wait MY direction?

I spun around just to see whether it was me or something else that they are being super annoyed at. But when I spun around my heart stopped. This can't be happening - am I getting Punk'd? Why is Harry Styles standing so close to me? Not that I mind, Ihappen to have a soft spot for One Direction as well as Harry Potter. But this specific boy... Is the cutest and has the sweetest personality in the group. I'm saying favorite they're all too sweet to have favorites. Wait someone is talking. A soft angelic voice...


Oh God.. is she ok? And why is she breathing so rapidly? AND why are those group of girls fuming in my direction? They are usually happy. Oh shake it off, Harry. There is a petrified girl in front of you.

"LIAM!! DADDY!!" I yell towards the picnic area where the boys are. Liam comes jogging over to me and the girl. When he sees the situation his expression changes from happy to worried.

"Oh... Fan?" He asks me.

" Probably. But she won't move! Should we try and sit her down on the edge of the grass?" I ask my hair flopping in the light breeze. California is so much nicer than England. I'm so happy to be here on tour.

"Great idea, mate."

We softly sat her down as we are right on the edge of the grass. And I decide to speak to her.

"Hello..." I start awkwardly not knowing what to say, " I'm Harry." She mumbled something, this is a start. "What's that Hun?"

"Styles?" She said normally.

"Yes... are you okay? You... kind of-" she cut me off.

"Froze. I know I'm just a bit shocked... I mean-" I can see her blushing. She has lifted her head to look me in the eye. Courage. I like her.

"I know. Oh hey babe, I didn't catch your name?" I smile. Her eyes are beautiful, soft green, like a spring grassy color.

"Oh... its Luna. Funny because I am a Harry Potter fanatic." She starts to blush again. Its pretty cute if you ask me.

"How about... One Direction?" I smile a large smile. Her head bolts upright and her eyes go round. This makes me smile larger. I think I'll play a trick on her. I'll pretend like helping her was and still is a bother for me. Liam has gone back to our table so he can't protest and stop me. Its a plan!

"Oh, uh, yeah. Big fan really. Great music." She smiles again! Score 1 for me!

"So you know who I am, yes?" I ask her sternly. All part of the plan.

"Oh yes. Harry Styles." She pauses and looks down. "You are the best and cutest... Well don't take me wrong either... I love you all!" She blushes again. But she is still high on the courage. Stick to the plan Harry.

"Oh." I state blandly. Her expression falls to a frown and she is starting to get up. WAIT NO! she took it the wrong way!

"Bye." She mutters and walked two steps before I caught her arm. I swing her around to face me. She looks over her shoulder in the direction of the group of girls who are running away now. Not fans. That's okay. I look back at her, she looks worried and a tear is hanging on her lower lashes. Dammit! You made her cry Harry! I slap myself mentally.

My 1D Love (1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now