!Prince! Todoroki x !Princess! Reader

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-I do not own the Art-


I finally found the courage to tell my lifetime crush about my love for him. The King had asked all the royalty to gather for an important announcement had asked to talk to me about something important, and since my coming of age ceremony was approaching I gathered the courage to confess. Walking down the long corridors of the palace, my spirits were high. The sun shined on my face. Today will be a good day. I make it to the grand doors to the hall room of the king. The guards opened the door. The cheers of everyone inside invited me in, I seemed to have missed the big announcement. I was too busy getting myself ready. "Y/N!" I turn to face my crush. He looks handsome in his navy blue vest, and white long sleeve. He definitely looked like a prince.

"Todoroki! How are you? I am sorry, I seemed to have run late" I turn to see many happy faces. "I wondered what news the king had to cause such joy among the nobles" I smile. He scratches his head "Actually the news is related to me" he scratches his head sheepishly. I playfully punch him "Spill it then" a sight giggle escapes my lips. "Well, you see...." Just then a sweet voice calls out "There you are Todoroki! I was looking for you, all the nobles want to congratulate us". Congratulate?. A beautiful princess with jet black hair appears wearing an extravagant dress, a sweetheart neckline, fanning out until it hits the floor, a lilac fabric complimenting her skin sparkled under the light. She definitely was someone anyone would want to be with. "Who is this?" the princess cocks her head. "Oh, Yaoyorozu, she is my friend Y/N, I have known her since we were kids, we grew up together" he walks to stand next to her. Yaoyorozu smiles "Wow, How does she feel about this?" looking at Todoroki with curiosity. "What do I think about what?" I was hoping Todoroki would finish what he wanted to tell me so I could go ahead and confess.

"She is my fiancee" he states, Yaoyorozu clings onto his arm, "I am so excited, I did not expect this to happen, you always avoided courting women so I thought you already had been betrothed to someone else" she pouts. The color on my face drains. This can't be. I crack a smile as big as possible. "I am happy for you, I am glad that you got betrothed to Yaoyorozu, she is definitely a good match for you, now if you will excuse me, I remembered of a prior engagement I have" I spin around and book it out of hall. Once I am out of sight I run out of the palace to the garden maze. I can smell the roses and fall on my hands and knees. Of course, she is better for him, I am no match for someone like her, she is beautiful and smart. Tears have formed and are quickly coming out, I start to choke.  I was a fool, there was many other eligible maidens for him, why did I think he would choose me. It hurts so much. Small mud puddles form from the tears coming from my face, and it starts to stain my dress. I have to be happy for him, if he is happy I am happy right? My feelings tell me otherwise, I feel betrayed, hurt, I feet stupid. "I love you Todoroki, I have to live life with this one-sided love that will surely kill me, I wish you felt the same way about me, don't leave me." I stay in the maze to let out all my emotions. Life is unfair, and cruel.


Todoroki POV

Looking at Y/N walk away, I was heart broken. I had thought she would protest. But hearing her tell me she was happy for me, hurt me more than anything. "Todoroki, come on let's go see the nobles" Yaoyorozu pulls on my arm, I look to the direction she had left hoping she would return. I waited for you, but I guess my feelings were one-sided, my father got tired of me not choosing a wife, he chose one for me, but had Y/N said something against it, I would have convinced my father otherwise, my only source of happiness walked out those doors, I can't be happy with someone I don't love. Before I walk to the nobles I stare a bit longer hoping to see that smiling face, but nothing, I was left with my thoughts. "I love you Y/N, I just wish you had felt the same way about me." I whisper before turning and joining Yaoyorozu.

A/N AAHH! My heartue, darn it, why do I do this to myself, I was watching a show and I got the idea. I am so sorry for the angst, I hate angst so much, but it is I guess relieving to write it. I am not sure what it is. Love you all, it seems like I had some legit sad ones, but I will write some sweet, nice ones^^ <3 <3

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