Gilbert Nightray x Reader

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If you have not read or watched Pandora hearts I suggest you don't read this, it has some sort of spoiler in it                                 "SPOILER ALERT"

The Day You Came for Me

It has been years since I last saw Gilbert. After everything was put back in order, he had left in search of the new Oz. I was heartbroken, I knew it would be painful anyways because he would live way longer than I would. I had no contract with a chain so I aged as any other human. My unrequited love kept me from love all those years. I attended the wedding of Sharon and Reim. It was the most beautiful thing I had seen. After going through so much, I was deeply wounded by Break's death as well,s o they deserved to be happy. It was the after party and I was really feeling jealous of them. I stood out in the balcony, the cold wind hit my face. I wanted to forget Gilbert, but I couldn't. I let out a sigh. "Y/n, Are you alright?" Sharon joins me. We both stood there in silence, I did not want to ruin her big day with my problems. Sharon starts to laugh "Silly Y/n, I bet you are thinking that you will ruin my day if you told me" her elegant laugh echoing in the dark of night. That is Sharon for you.

"I am actually jealous of you guys" I relent and tell her. Sharon's face softens "I had a feeling, still can't forget about him can you?" she places her hand on my shoulder. I look down, my hair covering my eyes, I try to fight back the tears that are trying to escape, but something inside had broke now that I say it out loud. Sharon embraces me "Just let it out" those words opened a door to my heart I had closed. I really missed Gilbert, I tried not to think about it and I seemed to try drowning myself in other things to forget, but I was only fooling myself. Sharon was always there for me, she always wanted to know what was going on, she never let me try to go through things alone. "Thank you Sharon" I hug her back. Sharon then let's go "I have to attend to something, but I will be back" she seemed to be in a hurry, but I paid no heed to it. I wiped my tears and looked out the balcony. Then I hear a rustle. I look to the doors of the balcony but no one was there. I had held my breath out of fear and I released it. I turn around and see a figure standing in front of me. "Ahh!" I let out an almighty scream and fall backwards. "Idiot, I thought you wanted to see me" Gilbert scratches his head, but a blush bright and clear on his face. My heart started pounding, how much did he hear? "Gilbert?! I...No...You" my mind was failing me, i could not say anything. Only the sound of the wind was heard. I could feel the tears want to come out. I stood up to my feet and tackled him to the floor, I did not care anymore I missed him. "If this is a dream I don't want to wake up" snot was coming out of my nose, and I my vision was blurry. 

Gilbert  ruffles my hair "Idiot, this is no dream". "I missed you Gilbert" I bury my face in his chest and I hear his heart pounding. "I did too" he hugs back. "You know I thought I could forget about you, but I realized I could not, I tried living, but I realized I can't live without you Y/n" he confesses. I push him away in shock. I look at him, but his eyes are not on me, he does that when he is embarrassed. I start to laugh "I can't believe you thought the same thing". I couldn't believe it. I still think  it is a dream. Gilbert seems to notice the disbelief and he pulls me in. His hand behind my head and the other on my back, "Maybe this will help you believe this to be reality" and his face comes closer, our noses almost touching, I could feel his breath. Then our lips our sealed in a sweet kiss. I gave in and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes. "Are you convinced or do you need more proof?" a whisper that tickles my ear. I can't handle this, it is too much for me to handle. I nod my head furiously. "Aw~ I was hoping you would" he sits backwards. My face bursts in red color. "GI-GILBERT! When did you get so daring?!" I push him. He laughs loudly, "I am sorry, you should have seen  the look on your face". I pout "That is not fair". He slowly calms down and looks at the sky "So, do  you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" I have wanted to hear those words all these years, but now that I hear them, i can't respond, so I lean on him. "You know Y/n, I always loved you, from the day I met you back when Oz was around, You have made me the happiest man alive". No fair, he is taking all the words from my mouth. A smile creeps its way on my face. Fine two can play at that game. "Gilbert~" I call his name. He turns and *SMOOCH* I give him a big kiss on the lips. His face is frozen. "That was payback" I grin in satisfaction. "Oh, okay then" he lifts me up bridal style "Hey, hey!" I resist. He walks starts to walk inside "What are you doing, this is embarrassing" but my protests are futile, he walks into the main hall "Everyone, here is the woman I will spend the rest of my life with" he yells it out. I cover my face in embarrassment. "Why did you do that?" I whisper to him. He looks at me with his gentle eyes "Why wouldn't I have done it, I need to make sure people know you are mine" his words made my heart beat fast. "I won't let you go, I was fool to have left you here", I look away, he is going to kill me if he says anymore. "I love you Gilbert", he plants a kiss on my forehead "I love you too".

A/n - Awww~ So cute, Gilbert honestly is such a sweet cinnamon roll>< Pandora Hearts is honestly one of my favorite mangas, I have not watched the anime, I probably will one of these days. Definitely recommend it!  Love you all, Thank you for taking time off your day to read this junk. HAHA^^;

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