Amon x reader Tokyo Ghoul

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Hello again! Sorry for not updating very frequently, but a lot has been happening in my life right now, and I lost motivation for anything. But I am feeling better and hope you guys are doing well. (^V^) Well now to the story.

Also you can't tell me this man isn't beautiful! I Love Him!!!


"Amon!"  you wave at the tall male about to walk in the CCG building. "What are you doing here y/n" he turns to face you with an expressionless face. "I just wondering when we could hang out" you play with your hands looking at the ground, you hadn't got the time to hang out with him. You both went to the academy because you both were orphans, but one day you decided to leave because having wanted nothing to do with the CCG because revenge was not in your mind. He looks away "You know I am busy, I have no time". He starts to walk away, but you grab his shirt "Could you at least talk to me after work even if it were for a couple minutes" your grip tightening. Kureo walks by and stops "What is going on here?" he raises an eyebrow. You immediately let go, you look away "Nothing,I just wanted to tell him to be careful, I am sorry if I disturbed you Mr. Mado, and Amon" you bow deeply and walk away. 

Amon's Pov

    He looks down at his shirt, deeply creased from where you had so tightly grabbed.  He watched your figure disappear. "Who was she?" Kureo asks him. Opening the door to the building  he takes one last look in the direction you had walked away "Someone I hadn't seen since the academy" and proceeds to his office. He wondered why you wanted to talk to him so bad, but he thought nothing of it,  you both had great times in the academy. He had started developing feelings, but they stopped growing after you had just left the academy without a word, He thought you would never appear again, and he was hurt by it.

Your POV

You really wanted to talk to your old friend, but you were surprised that you went as far as to grab his shirt so forcefully.  You had wanted to talk to him since you came back, but he seemed to not want to. You sit at a bench in the park rethinking your life. "I should just give up" you let out a long sigh. A hand was placed on your shoulder causing you to jump. You turn to see Kureo "What are you doing here?!" you were so confused to see Amon's partner. He smiles "Amon goes out to eat at around 2, come and tell them you came to see Kureo, and you can talk to him." You blanky stared at him wondering why he would help you. He lets out a loud laugh "I know what he thinks of you, he would always bring you up every time he talked about the academy, the look on his face made it so evident". You are pretty sure he actually hates you from the way he is treating her and she did leave the academy without saying goodbye. "He must really hate me, I left him and the academy with no warning". Kureo's face falls a bit "Whenever he would mention it he would almost send out this depressed aura, but I suggest you talk to him, it would do both you and him good, that way you clear some things". He stands up and walks away hands in pockets "Don't forget, and even if you can't today, your always welcome to come, his schedule doesn't really change much". 

You ended up going to the CCG building and stood in front of his office. You were starting to regret coming here. You turned around, but the sound of the door opening stopped you in your tracks. "Y/n?" Amon can't believe what is going on. "Uh, Sorry I just got lost! Don't mind me!" you try to make a swift exit. "We need to talk" was all you heard before he grabbed your arm to pull you inside his office. Still in shock you slowly looked up. He is not even looking at you, walking to his desk and his back facing you he asks "Why did you leave?". You shook your head to clear your thoughts "Because I did not want revenge, Everyday in the academy, brought me to realize that revenge was not a path I wanted to pursue. Everyone expected you to hate ghouls, and I just couldn't, I met a ghoul once before my family died, and she was sweet, Ever since I was sent to the academy I was no longer able to meet her, and every time I was demonstrated how to kill ghouls I thought of her" You look away, telling him this was a huge risk. 

Who in their right mind would tell a Ghoul Investigator they knew a ghoul, she could be charged for harboring one. But he deserved to know. "Do you remember our promise?" a slight crack was evident in his voice. You walk towards the door. "Yes, and I am sorry I was not able to fulfill it" You turn the knob. A sudden warmth envelopes you from behind. He had trapped you. Standing between the door and his body you blushed. "You promised we would have each others backs no matter what, and that we would stand side by side, when you left I was torn, I couldn't believe it, but you know, I still love you, Not one moment did I not spend thinking about you, where you were, how you were?" he hugs you and whispers in your ear "Please don't go...... Y/n, I love you, and I won't be able to bear not seeing you....Stay with me, we may not think the same, but that doesn't matter, but even if you don't accept my feelings, I won't say anything about the ghoul, You may have broken your side of the promise, but I won't break my side.". A chill rand own your spine, and tears started to fall. How could he still be so sweet. "Amon, I love you too, but I am not worth it", you couldn't accept it and pushed him off. You start running out of the building. But a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind and lifts you off the ground. "I wasn't able to stop you last time, but I won't let you go so easily, I get to decide whether you are worth it, and I already have, I was always wating for you to come back, even though I knew that you might not. If that doesn't prove your worth, then if I let you go and you run away, I will wait, no matter how long until you finally return". You couldn't believe it, you had broken a promise with him and left without explanation, Your eyes became red and puffy, and you started to have trouble breathing from all the tears. He places you back on the ground, and you don't move. "Amon, I love you". He hugs you tightly, but this time your face is on his chest, and he strokes your hair. "Thank you" was all the words that came form his mouth.

A/N~~~~Lolol, Guess who is back from a terribly long hiatus. I will try my best to update, but thank you again for reading this, I am glad you took some time of your precious day to read this trash. I can't believe the manga ended yesterday, I still have to read a couple chapters until I get there, but I am very close. Sui Ishida's work is amazing. Senpai's story is truly wonderful and his art I find very beautiful. He definitely knew how to play with my emotions. Endings are always so sad for me, whether it be a good one or not, because that means you just finished reading or watching the life of beloved characters. I always get sentimental when an anime ends, or a manga. Oh goodness, I can't wait to finish reading Tokyo Ghoul re:, but I know what awaits me emotionally T-T, so it is  double edged sword for me. Enough of that, thank you again and I love you all <3 Take care^^

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