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"I really could see you as a blonde."

I scoffed, taking a bite of my kimbap.

"Really," Hana continued, "It's the one color you haven't tried yet."

I did change my hair a lot. I kept it blue for the first year when i'd first moved to Daegu, but I got tired of it because all it reminded me of was my old life back in
Seoul. So I went purple. Then red, then mint... It was my thing, changing my hair.
Hana frowned before doing her aeygo.

"I'll consider it."

Hana had an obsession with my hair. She liked choosing what color i'd get next, and she always picked a good color. But blonde? I couldn't picture it.

Hana opened her mouth to continue, but I shushed her.

"Focus on the drama."
"But i've seen this one already.." she began to complain.
"Well I haven't so shut up you pabo."
To most people I would have seemed rather rude. But Hana wasn't most people, and she knew when I was being serious and when I was not.

"That drama will be the death of me!" I shouted once it had ended. It was a pretty sad one after all. The main characters love interest died.

That night, Hana fell asleep almost immediately. That was strange seeing as I was usually the one who slept a lot and she was the energetic one. However I was wide awake and she was sleeping soundly.
There was only one reason I couldn't sleep however.
I, not for the first time, couldn't get Jungkook out of my head. I was always left wondering if he remembered me, even though I knew that after 7 years he probably didn't. After all, I had left when we were only 10. What bothered me the most was that I couldn't remember him all that clearly. Jungkook. Brown hair and brown eyes. I knew that. But what did his voice sound like again? What did he look like now?
Did he remember me?
Probably not.
But it was May 2nd.
Happy friend anniversary,





Two of my best friends were currently fighting. Well, one of them was fighting, the other was trying to keep the 5'8 boy off of him while laughing his ass off.

"Jimin, just give up," J-hope said, not looking away from the tv.

"No!" Jimin said. "Come on Rapmon. Say it."

"Why would I say something that isn't true?" Rapmon asked. "Jimin, you've really got no jams!"

Jimin the jamless boy glared, before Jin broke it up.

"Jimin go sit over there. Rapmon you sit over there," he turned to walk away before he paused. "And don't break anything."

Rapmon smiled shyly. He broke things a lot.

"What's up Kookie?"

I turned to see Taehyung, another one of my best friends, looking at me with a concerned face.

Out of all of the boys, I always thought we were the most alike. I was the maknae of the group, but Tae wasn't too much older than me.

I shrugged, trying not to look him in the eye. He always knew when I was upset, and I didn't want him to worry.

It was just that today was special. I wasn't sure why, I just knew it was.



I had to stop thinking about her. It'd been 7 years, and I needed to move on from her. I couldn't even remember what she looked like. All I knew was that she had some blue hair and knew a lot about stars.

I hadn't even noticed I was crying, but soon Jin was running over, having to avoid the sleeping lump that was Min Yoongi to crouch in front of the couch.

I realized why everyone was staring at me and hastily wiped the tears away, looking down.

That didn't help.

They just kept on coming out.

"Hey, Kookie. What's the matter?" Jin asked soothingly.

Jin was like our eomma. He was the oldest and always knew how to cheer us up. He was also an amazing cook.

I couldn't look them in the eye. Yoongi had woken up to, and was exchanging confused glances with J-hope.

"It's nothing. I'm going outside for some air."

The guys cared about me a lot. I was the youngest, after all. I guess they sort of felt obligated to take care of me because I cared so much about them. I wasn't complaining though, they were my only friends since Jinhee left, and they were more like my brothers anyways.

She doesn't remember you.

I told myself this several times. Most days I wouldn't think of her and everything would be normal. But that wasn't a normal day, because it was the anniversary of the day I found a crying girl at the park. The anniversary of something big and beautiful.

"Kookie," Tae said, pulling me into a hug.

I melted into it, not bothering to hold back my tears anymore. It was Taehyung, and I trusted him with my life.

I was still an optimistic kid like I was before Jinhee left. I was still happy because I had my friends around me. But something was missing, and I was sure it was the part of me that Jinhee took with her to Daegu.

Tae and Jimin were the only ones who knew about Jinhee. We were considered the "maknae line" and we told each other everything.

I sighed, the tears finally stopped flowing and I managed to face Tae.

He was sitting there, giving me his boxy grin.

"Come on," he said. "Let's go back in. I'm sure the others are worried."

I took a deep breath and followed him inside. I acted like nothing had happened, so the others shrugged.

I'd tell them someday.

All about the girl with the blue hair who knew everything about stars and followed no ones rules.

About the girl who I was sure didn't remember me. But I knew i'd never forget my first best friend. Memories like that don't just go away, regardless of how long ago they were made.
lmao idk what i'm even doing

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