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I don't like her. I don't like her. We are just friends. I don't like her.

Okay, I like her.

How could I not? I liked- no, I loved everything about her. What wasn't there to love? Everything from her blue hair and her rebellious spirit to her love for the stars and talent at music. She was the definition of complete and utter perfection. I'd just come to this conclusion, when Jimin decided to make an unwanted confession to the rest of us.

"I... I think I like Jinhee."

I thought my heart exploded.

It felt like I was about to explode all together, too, and everyone was slowly cowering away from me, even Yoongi-hyung.

"Oh, don't hate me Kookie," Jimin cried out, noticing my expression. "I'm sorry.. I mean, it's not like you like her like that.. right? You're just friends, you told me yourself."

I bit my lip. I had said that. But that was before she'd moved back, and now that she was finally here in Seoul with me, it was like everything had changed. Really changed.

"Y-yeah.. just friends," I tried to assure Jimin but I could hear the lie in my words as soon as they left my mouth. Apparently I had been the only one, because Jimin's face lit up at my words.

"So.. you don't mind?"


"Of course not! I'm really happy for you, i'm sure she'll feel the exact same way."

I was lying of course, because on the inside I was absolutely fuming. My Jinhee? Jimin had a crush on my Jinhee?


He clapped me on the back and embraced me like a brother. Of course, he really was a lot like my brother in a lot of ways. We all were like one big family. However, as much as I loved Jimin, I couldn't get rid of the acidic burning in the pit of my stomach, nor could I loosen the knot that'd formed in my throat.

What i'd said to him wasn't a complete lie, though. I'd seen the way Jinhee looked at Jimin compared to how she looked at me. She looked at me like I was her brother, and she looked at him longingly.

Okay, so I was jealous.

Really, really jealous.

What on earth was I going to do now? I felt like such a pabo.


[text to: Kookie <3]

our tree, five minutes.

Just as i'd expected, exactly 5 minutes after i'd sent the text, Jungkook appeared walking into the park. I didn't pick my head up, I just glanced over at him as I lay in the grass.

It was dark, but I could make out his worried expression as he sat down next to me. I gave him a look. He, of course, knew that look. I'd given it to him a lot when we were younger when I was having a bad day.

He lay down next to me, and I could feel his eyes on me. But I didn't look at him, I kept my gaze fixed on the night sky above me.

"Hey," he finally said, his voice soft and comforting. "Look," he pointed, "It's our star, remember?"

He was pointing at Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. It was my favorite star, and the first star i'd ever pointed out to Jungkook. It'd been our star since the first day I told him about it.

I smiled slightly. I really missed him.


my apologies for the shitty chapter

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