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"I told you, I haven't seen him."

Hana sighed, her brows furrowed. We were currently on face time, and she kept asking me if i'd seen or heard anything regarding Jungkook.

"Let me know if you do," Hana continued. "I really do ship it."

"You've never met him, "I laughed, "And i'll never think of him as anything other than a friend."

"You sure? The way you talked about him when we were 10 made me think you were very much infatuated," she said, her voice teasing.

"We were ten," I laughed. "And we were close friends."

"I'll call you later, I have to make dinner and then bring Hyejin to the park."

"Okay, bye."

We hung up, and I walked down the stairs of our new house. There were dozens of boxes piled up all around me, and this was how it was all around the house.

The house was nice, and my bedroom had a balcony that was accessible through the window. I liked having a balcony. I was always jealous of Hana's, and now I had one of my own.

I decided to make some Ramen, as it was quick, easy, and one of Hyejin's favorite foods.

Just then, Hyejin came running.

"YAH! Take your boots off!" I shouted. "Your tracking dirt in!"

"Oh," Hyejin said, "Sorry, Unnie." She kicked off her shoes.

"Oh are you making Ramen?" she asked, sniffing as she pulled off her jacket.

"Yes," I said, making some rice for us to eat with it. "And you're going to eat all of it." She needed something healthy, as she ate way to much candy.

She pouted slightly, going to turn on the tv that we set up.

"Yah, you have to do your twenty minutes of reading," I called, not looking up from the food I was making.

She groaned, but went up to her room to find her book.

I was more like a mother figure to her than my mother ever was. Our mother was all about Haneul this, Haneul that. It drove me mad, especially since she left me to take care of Hyejin all the time.

Hyejin made her arrival to the downstairs area very loud, as she was jumping from step to step, before missing the last few steps altogether and landing with a hard thump on her feet, the second Harry Potter book clutched in her hands.

She jumped onto the new couch, propping her feet up on the coffee table. Our mother would've scolded her for putting her feet on the mahogany like that, but I didn't really care. She had socks on anyways.

"So where'd you go for so long?" I asked, stirring the ramen in the pot.

"I just went around the neighborhood," she said, flipping a page. "I met a few kids my age. They're all really nice. A few of them are going to the park. We are going to park right?"

She said all of this really fast, but she did that a lot and I had no trouble with understanding her.

"Yeah, but you have to eat first," I said, turning off the stove and taking out some bowls.

I put some ramen in each bowl, before putting some rice in two other bowls.

We hadn't set up a dining table, so I joined her on the couch, placing the food on the coffee table. She thanked me, bookmarking her book and beginning to eat.

The sun was shining in through the curtain-less window, the golden rays making my sister's face seem to glow. I'd always been slightly envious of she and Haneul's natural beauty. Haneul had had so many boyfriends I'd stopped counting at 15, and Hyejin was way too pretty for a 6 year old.

Then there was me. Kim Jinhee. Plain and ordinary. I wasn't anything special, honestly. The only thing I took pride in was my hair, as I really liked it.

I'd dyed my hair blue before we moved back. I'd left with blue hair, and I wanted to return with it.

Before I knew it, we were both done with eating, and we were getting our shoes on. The park was only a short walk away, and my mother had taken the car to see Haneul.

We walked- well, I walked, Hyejin skipped. I'd always admired how full of energy she was. She was like my own personal sunshine, the only thing that kept me happy other than Hana when we'd lived in Daegu.

We reached the park, Hyejin jumping in excitement. She immediately spotted some kids she'd met, and ran off to join them. I smiled to myself. The park looked exactly as i'd remembered it. My heart swelled at the sight of the swings. Our swings. I missed Jungkook so much, even though I knew it was ridiculous. I had to get over him.

Just as I was about to start to walk around and enjoy the scenery, I bumped into someone. Flailing, I grabbed onto their arms to support myself, but I fell anyways.

"Are you okay?" came a voice, worry etched into their tone.

"Yeah, i'm fine," I said, looking up, before freezing.

Because I was now staring up at the face that i'd been longing to see for the past 7 years.

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