The Fortuneteller

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The gang are at a lakeshore camping and just then a large green fish jumps out of the lake and back into the water.

"Look!" Katara said pointing at the green fish.

Sokka gets up and sees the large green fish which looks like a catfish jumping out of the lake again and back into the lake making Sokka annoyed.

"He is SO taunting us! You're gonna be dinner!" Sokka said as he grabs a fishing pole and starts casting it a few times but nothing happens. "Hey! Where's the fishing line?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd need it." Velvet said as she's holding up a necklace.

"Aww, it's all tangled!" Sokka said.

"Not tangled, stupid. It's woven." Velvet said as she stands up. "Here, Katara. Since none of us found your mother's necklace, I figured I'd make one for you." Velvet said handing Katara the necklace.

"Thanks, Velvet. It's great." Katara said.

"Yeah. Great, Velvet. Maybe instead of searching for this 'person' and help Aang save the world, you could go into a jewelry making business." Sokka said sarcastically.

"I don't see why she can't do both." Aang said.

Sokka then sees the green fish jumping out of the water again and Sokka throws his pole but it misses and the fish goes back into the water making Sokka frustrated.

"Stop taunting me!" Sokka said as he takes out a knife and enters the water and lunges into the water with his knife trying to catch the fish.

"When it comes to fish, he'll do anything stupid to get one." Sorey said.

"So how do I look?" Katara asked and Velvet and Aang turn to Katara.

"You look complete." Velvet said smiling. "What do you think, Aang? Aang? Hello, Earth to Aang. Anyone home?" Velvet asked trying to get Aang's attention.

Aang is staring dumbfounded at Katara who is now wearing the necklace Velvet made for her and Katara has some embarrassment on her face and Aang pulls his collar as he's still staring at Katara.

"AANG!" Velvet yelled getting the Airbender's attention.

"Huh? What?" Aang asked.

"What do you think of Katara's new necklace?" Velvet asked.

"Oh, you mean all of her or just her neck? I mean, they both look great." Aang said and Sokka rises out of the lake and is holding the fish.

"Smoochy, smoochy. Someone's in love." Sokka said as he's making kissing impressions at the fish who flips in his hands and knocks Sokka back into the water.

"Uh, well..." Aang stops talking in embarrassment as he rubs his head.

"Stop teasing him, Sokka." Rose said annoyed at Sokka.

"Yeah. Aang's just a good friend. A sweet little guy just like Momo." Katara said rubbing Momo.

"Thanks." Aang said softly.

Sokka comes to the gang soaking wet with an obvious sour look on his face.

"So should we..." Laphicet was cut off by a loud noise.

"What was that?" Mikleo asked as Aang Airbends himself onto a large rock nearby.

Aang looks around to see where the noise is coming from and he points at the source.

"Someone is being attacked by a platypus-bear!" Aang said.

"Did he just say platypus-bear?" Sorey asked.

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